[艾赛尼教派] "For of the fruits of the trees and the seeds of the herbs alone do I partake" "那树上的果实和那植物的种子是我赐予给你们的食物。"
[以下是一篇 IVU 新闻的投稿,有删节,文章认为耶稣及其追随者确为素食者。文中引证了大量的历史文献,在此不能一并列出。如需进一步的资料请与世界各地的艾赛尼教派组织或艾赛尼教派的教堂联系 - 45 N. 3rd Street, Creswell, Oregon 97426, USA。 ]
艾赛尼教派 ( Essenes ) 是公元一世纪巴勒斯坦地区的三大教派之一,耶稣据信曾是集中在 Mount Carmel 的北方团体的成员。艾赛尼教派亦被认为是拿撒勒人,而拿撒勒是他们的一个据点,尽管地名是后来才有的。该教派的成员身着白衣并食素,象基督教僧侣一样托钵乞讨。由于他们戴的白色饰物而被称为大白兄弟会 ( White Friars )。有趣的是那些现在依然信守 Mount Carmel 时期信条的教派成员公开声称耶稣属于艾赛尼教派,并兴起于 Mount Carmel,而艾赛尼教圣经却不被正统的教堂圣经所接纳。
艾赛尼教派主要的圣经是在 1888 年发现并由 Rev. Gideon Jasper Ouseley 从亚拉姆语翻译过来的“十二门徒福音”(Gospel of the Holy Twelve)。该版本的新约明显不同于通常的版本记述耶稣为一个严格素食主义者,曾有许多动物聚集在他的周围:“鸟儿围绕他飞翔并为他唱着颂歌,其它动物也来到他的脚边,他喂给他们食物,动物们从他手中吃食。”"And the birds gathered around him and welcomed him with their song and other living creatures came unto his feet and he fed them and they ate out of his hands."
“这些是你们的同伴,并同属于上帝的大家庭。他们都有永恒的生命灵气,也是你们的弟弟和妹妹。无论是谁给予他们那怕是很少的关爱,给予他们所需的吃的和喝的,都是对我的关爱。” "These are your fellow creatures of the great household of God, yea they are your brethren and sisters, having the same breath of life in the Eternal. And whosoever careth for one of the least of these, and giveth it to eat and drink in its need, the same doeth it unto me."
艾赛尼教派真诚地相信所有的生命都是神圣的,都同属一体,艾赛尼教圣经中的许多段落都提到无限之爱的原则:对上帝,对人类以及对所有生灵:“爱是最重要的事情,爱你们自己以及爱上帝的所有生灵,所有的人都应明白只有这样做才能算是我的徒弟。” The Essenes believe in the sacredness and unity of all life and many passages in the Essene gospel refer to the doctrine of boundless love: for God, for humanity and for all creation: "Before all things is love, love ye one another and all the creatures of God, and by this shall all men know that ye are my disciples."