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In theory it is very easy,
送交者: Yuehanmiao 2009月01月20日06:57:42 于 [彩虹之约] 发送悄悄话
回  答: 两难lingling 于 2009-01-20 06:41:19
Even there is Jesus' teaching
'shen2 sou3 pei4 he2 de, ren2 bu4 ke3 yi3 fen1 kai1',
The institution of marriage is established by Almighty God for the
best benefit of man, the most important purpose of marriage is
to help man to be HOLY, to help man to be HAPPY is the important by-product.
Among christians, there should be no such thing as 离婚 unless
in two special cases:
1. one party not only had affair outside but also insist to 离婚
2. one party as an unbeliever insist to 离婚 just because spouse is a believer.
Theory is very easy to learn and to understand.

In practice,
it is really hard to handle.
团契 can do a little.
If both of them like your 团契 very much,
let them take turn,
this time one comes,
next time the other comes.
The most important thing is to do your best
to prevent them from influencing the normal order
of your 团契.
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