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you are being ridiculous
送交者: mean 2009月01月20日11:32:20 于 [彩虹之约] 发送悄悄话
回  答: 拉撒路死了几次?soccerfun 于 2009-01-20 08:35:02
To start with, if you want to start a tangential argument, by all means, be tangential, but at least be clear about it. It's not my obligation to look into your soul and tell you what your heart desires. You may have faith in me, but I am no god of yours.

I've said this before, and I'm saying this again, in case you haven't got a clue what I've been talking about. I have no interest what you believe is the relationship between John and Elijah. I was, and am, arguing against reincarnation. In so doing I proposed the classical teaching against the possibility of Elijah reincarnating as John. If you have anything to say for reincarnation, say it. If not, then hold your peace.

I find it funny that people argue in ignorance what they believe the bible is all about, playing word games out of context, yet claiming that they uphold the word of Christ. You gotta know something to get somewhere, or your zeal leads you nowhere.

The funny thing is, while these people ignore the gross context of the bible, criticize the wisdom of _Christian_ theologists, they themselves base their theories on what the buddhists, or the humanists, or the jews tell them... There is one here who openly admits that she upholds a pagan concept of reincarnation and still claims to be following Christ's teaching.

And then there are others who nods at her assertion and say "Amen".

  我并不是跟你辩争什么。 - soccerfun 01/20/09 (260)
    good ? for you, not me  /无内容 - mean 01/20/09 (242)
  where are you from? - Yuehanmiao 01/20/09 (260)
    from canada. :)  /无内容 - mean 01/20/09 (264)
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