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Sound doctrines were not
送交者: YeSuShiZhu 2019月06月28日05:29:44 于 [彩虹之约] 发送悄悄话
回  答: 你就是个奇迹,已经可以改写圣经了xiahong 于 2019-06-27 13:45:08

understood because sound doctrines were not preached,

sound doctrines were not preached because many preacher 

understood not those sound doctrines!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

As such,

most people like you simply pick up what you like and

abandon what you dislike, for example, the redemptive

salvation as a package offered by the only-one-true God,

the Creator, includes: each and every believer was

  1. elected by the Father before the creation 

  2. redeemed by His only begotten Son on the cross

  3. led by the Holy Spirit at certain time and place 

why/how you would/could not accept this package as a whole???!!!


  神爱世人,甚至赐下一个package? /无内容 - xiahong 06/28/19 (304)
    圣经是怎么说的呢? - YeSuShiZhu 06/28/19 (321)
      同意:神爱世人。  /无内容 - xiahong 06/28/19 (281)
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