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It should be encouraged
送交者: labri 2019月11月19日23:21:31 於 [彩虹之約] 發送悄悄話
回  答:  關於講座題目《如何以基督信仰回應香港時局》的隨想beiqian2016 於 2019-11-19 22:58:44

that Chrtstian  take a active role in politics according to what is revealed.

However, For church to take a stand in politics is a different issue at all as the church is the body of Christ, not a weapon for Hong Konger and alike for earthly fights.

It is a vicious act for anyone to promote the involvement of church in dirty politics.

AGAIN,  For Christian to get involved in politics and for church to do so are  totally different issues. 

The church goers in HK and even in Canana simply and stupidly do not get it.

    It is highly debatable on - labri 11/20/19 (94)
      The HK police is much benigh - labri 11/20/19 (102)
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