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causality (redirected from INU
送交者: repentant 2021月01月27日09:51:33 於 [彩虹之約] 發送悄悄話
回  答: 按照因果關係的INUS理論,原因是充分不必要條件中的必要不充repentant 於 2021-01-27 09:13:21

causality (redirected from INUS condition)

Mackie's "INUS condition." The causal relation should be expressed by saying that the cause is "an insufficient but necessary part of a condition which is unnecessary but sufficient" for the occurrence of the effect.

There are numerous other possible causal patterns that could be observed, such as a threshold effect (drowning and depth of water), or a viable range (survival in relation to temperature), not to mention INUS conditions. (INUS conditions refer to situations where an event can occur when a set of conditions arises, and there may be several such sets that produce the same effect.

  read it carefully - 問號哥 01/27/21 (338)
    這裡。你理解不了,我沒辦法。:) - repentant 01/27/21 (314)
    你錯了,你知道嗎? - repentant 01/27/21 (312)
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