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first thing first
送交者: guomingjie 2009月05月02日06:55:14 于 [彩虹之约] 发送悄悄话
回  答: 最后一段不敢苟同hebai 于 2009-05-01 10:18:13
to Chinese
ABORTION is never more seriously than throwing away
1/2 of spoiled water melon, this is not because
Chinese are crucial than other people but because
our culture told us what LIFE is and is not---
LIFE are given to those who are 'perfect' and with future
according to parents' understanding, LIFE are abandoned
to those who are not 'perfect' and without future
according to parents' understanding.

In order to make sense for Chinese to reduce or eliminate
abortion, human being's dignity must be taught first.
there is a long way to go, most probably, mission impossible!

Family planning and abortion are twins,
Common ground of 'sex between husband and wife'
can reduce at least 1/2 of abortion.
My point is always focused the possibility of
practicing based on the reality.

If abortion were resulted from family planning and
happened among married women in 70s and 80s,
the number was smaller comparing with the number now,
think about it!

If you dare to tell young lady and young gentle man
'no marriage no sex', you will be killed!

The sense of shame should be recovered first for
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