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Augustinian Preparatory Grace versus Semi-Pelagian Preparation

When people criticize preparatory grace as preparationism, they often confuse the Augustinian and Reformed doctrine of preparation with that of the Roman Catholic Church in its semi-Pelagian tendencies. At the heart of Augustinianism is the belief that man is dead in sin (T)and God’s grace sovereignly (UL)and effectively changes the hearts of those he has chosen (I). Augustine analyzed grace as a series of steps from unbelief to glory: preparing grace to give a knowledge of sin, operating grace to create faith, cooperating grace to join with the renewed will to produce good works, and perfecting grace to enable perseveranceP. God uses his law “to alarm the unrighteous, so that … they may in faith flee for refuge to the grace that justifies,” a justification that takes place “on account of no antecedent merits of his own works.”10 Similarly, Thomas Aquinas said that man cannot prepare himself to receive grace except by the grace of God preparing him, whether that preparation takes place in an instant or step by step over time.[1]




[1] Joel R. Beeke and Paul M. Smalley, Reformed Systematic Theology: Spirit and Salvation, vol. 3, Reformed Systematic Theology (Wheaton, IL: Crossway, 2021), 311–312.

  So? /無內容 - xiahong 12/15/23 (6348)
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      怕說話漏風,不敢說了?加幾個藍私貨蒙過去?  /無內容 - xiahong 12/15/23 (6298)
        👆回答你了。呢說話結巴是吧?問一個問題都問不全  /無內容 - 謹守 12/15/23 (6281)
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