This passage has important implications. First, biblical teaching on association with sinners has two threads: separation and engagement. Jesus engaged tax collectors and sinners, and God’s people are always willing to spend time with unbelievers. But passages such as 2 Timothy 2:19 warn us to separate from people who profess faith but deny it in word and deed. If we encounter false teachers or libertines, we warn them (Matt. 18:15–18; 1 Cor. 5:9–13). We do not act as though we were one with them.
这段话有重要的含义。首先,圣经关于与罪人交往的教导有两条线索:分离和参与。耶稣与税吏和罪人交往,而神的子民总是愿意花时间与非信徒在一起。但提摩太后书 2:19 等经文警告我们要与那些自称有信仰却在言语和行为上否认信仰的人分开。如果我们遇到假教师或浪子,我们会警告他们(太 18:15-18;林前 5:9-13)。我们行事不可像我们跟他们是一回事。