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your hairs were counted
送交者: Yuehanmiao 2009月05月16日05:28:13 于 [彩虹之约] 发送悄悄话
回  答: 你也想说亚当夏娃堕落也是神预定的,思齐 于 2009-05-15 22:25:11
of course, under 神的主权, all things happens.

亚当夏娃used their free will 堕落,under 神的主权,
人, has no other choices but 犯罪,under 神的主权,
some of sinners are redeemed under/by 神的主权,

are you familiar with the concept of ONE way?
fluid can be flowing one way not reversely,
light shines out not reversely,
life from birth till death not possible to be incarnating

人, can 犯罪under/by 神的主权, but never possible
to find GOD under/by 神的主权 ,
人, can use his/her own will do a lot things including good things
under 神的主权
  when I think I follow - Yuehanmiao 05/16/09 (238)
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