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when I think I follow
送交者: Yuehanmiao 2009月05月16日06:54:40 於 [彩虹之約] 發送悄悄話
回  答: your hairs were countedYuehanmiao 於 2009-05-16 05:28:13
a pattern,

1. background
2. pre-supposition
3. frame

as such, when I think about 神的主權,

1. background--creature views the Creator
2. pre-supposition--He knows everything about me and the world, I know little about me and even less about the world and language is also limited as a tool
to express my idea
3. frame--Bible I learned

therefore, man like robot was created by God?
no, instead, man was created as His image bearer
with great dignity and great responsibility to take care of
other creatures, but Adam used up his FREE WILL
by doing one thing against God, no more Free-Will left.
Standard concerning good and bad have changed since then
although it seemed everything was the same.

After that, man's WILL became ONE WAY, can do anything
according to his own will under 神的主權, knowing this,
it is very easy to understand 神的主權 and man's own will.
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