waiting for salary increase... |
送交者: Lanstone 2008月07月24日09:57:54 于 [彩虹之约] 发送悄悄话 |
回 答: 江的所谓“等候神”其实质是 由 摇头 于 2008-07-24 05:57:43 |
sounds like to me:)
I was in her sermons when she came to Toronto before last year. During the "warm-up" I just could not jump stretching arms and yelling / screaming like others around me did, I felt down, very uncomfortable actually |
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2004: | 如果有这样的哥哥,该怎样处理? | |
2003: | 南怀瑾:论语别裁:颜渊第十二:顿悟与渐 | |
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