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That could be a report mistake
送交者: a_Peter 2008月08月14日10:39:21 於 [彩虹之約] 發送悄悄話
回  答: gold medal gymnast was 13xinmin 於 2008-08-14 10:07:19
In the same article , it is said:

"A May 23 story in the China Daily newspaper, the official English-language paper of the Chinese government, said He was 14. The story was later corrected to list her as 16."

Should we give them the benefit of doubt, before we accused sth. has no proof ?
(Even though , I think these is possiblilty of age manipulation, but is it fair
for us , just go ahaed to say that is the truth ?) hehehe
  Besides, it is from CNN :-( /無內容 - xinmin 08/14/08 (269)
    嘿嘿...唉....  /無內容 - a_Peter 08/14/08 (262)
  Certainly. - xinmin 08/14/08 (222)
    It will be a good thing to do - a_Peter 08/14/08 (216)
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