布道家Billy Graham之子Rev. Franklin Graham提醒Trump, “如果摒棄上帝,他將什麼都不是;如果摒棄上帝,人們無論選擇哪一位候選人,他們最終都將會失敗。我們的希望不是寄托在任何一位候選人或是政黨之上;唯一的希望只能是上主耶穌基督。”
Rev. Franklin Graham says, ‘We need to continue to pray for major change in Washington and in our country through whoever is elected.'
Graham says that unless something is done about America's morality, its people are in imminent danger. "We mock God, ridicule His Word and His ways, and flaunt gross immorality. Only Almighty God can deliver us, and it is our fervent prayer as we go across America in the months to come, that He will hear our prayers and heal our land. He is our only hope," he says.