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The Rig Veda《ㄖㄨㄟㄍㄜ頌讚ㄨㄟㄉㄚ智識》六首試譯
送交者: 比較政策 2016年08月13日18:13:31 於 [彩虹之約] 發送悄悄話

 印度最古的聖典The Rig(歌頌/詩節[1]) Veda(智慧、知識)被音譯為《梨俱吠陀》,即使費力不去聯想這四個表意漢字組成的詞語的意義,發音也不準確。按照在“中文表示里導入漢音元素的提案”[2],可以譯為《ㄖㄨㄟㄍㄜ·ㄨㄟㄉ》;它也被意譯為《歌詠明論》或《贊誦明論,不過它不是歌詠[3],也不是“論文”,所以譯為《頌讚智識》比較妥當。考慮到Bible的譯名《聖經》,譯為《頌讚聖典》可能更達意。關於其內容,中文的介紹以翻譯過其中一些詩詠的金克木[4]在《梵語文學史》第一編第二章第一節里所講的為主調:“《梨俱吠陀》的詩歌,…首先在奴隸社會中被祭司用作宣傳神秘主義的材料。在封建社會裡,它幾乎被一般人遺忘了,除了作為禱告詞以外,只有少數哲學家還用來作宣傳唯心主義的依據。到了近代,許多西方學者花費了很大力量,作了不少比較語言學的和資料考證性的工作;但是由於他們常懷偏見,而且不懂社會發展規律,又用唯心主義觀點和形而上學的方法,結果是在解說詞句和排比資料方面有很大貢獻,而對內容仍往往不能正確理解。”[5]百度百科的條目等也有相當詳細的解釋[6],巫白慧譯《梨俱吠陀神曲選》2010年由商務印書館出版,作為第一本(部分)漢譯本,應該有其價值,我沒有讀到正文,故不便評述。但可以從網上看到如詩塔夫羅金的評價:“譯名難辨,研究方法據作者所言,是貫徹了恩格斯所提倡的方法,這就把思想限制在了很狹隘的範圍內,只有詩歌的內容尚且值得一讀。”[7]所幸恩格斯先生沒有印度古典知識,巫白慧的譯本沒有在內容上直接引用恩格斯的條件。


1 I Laud Agni, the chosen Priest, God, minister of sacrifice,

The hotar, lavishest of wealth.



Then was not non-existent nor existent: there was no realm of air, no sky beyond it.

What covered in, and where? and what gave shelter? Was water there, unfathomed depth of water?[14] 分為四行譯為:






BOOK The First HYMN I Agni 第一捲曲1、ㄚㄍㄜㄋㄧ火神[17]

1】I magnify Agni the domestic priest[18], the divine ministrant of the sacrifice, the invoker, best bestower of treasure.


2】Agni to be magnified by past and present seers, may he conduct the gods here.


3】Through Agni may one obtain wealth day by day (and) prosperity, glorious (and) most abounding in heroes.


4】O Agni, the worship and sacrifice that thou encompassest on every side, that same goes to the gods.


5】May Agni the invoker, of wise intelligence, the true[20], of most brilliant fame, the god come with the gods.


6】Just what good thou, O Agni, wilt do for the worshipper, that (purpose) of thee (comes) true, O Aṅgiras[21].


7】To thee, O Agni, day by day, O illuminer of gloom, we come with thought bringing homage;


8】(to thee) ruling over sacrifices, the shining guardian of order, growing in thine own house.


9】So, O Agni, be easy of access to us, as a father to his son; abide with us for our well-being.



BOOK The First HYMN XII. Agni.第一捲曲12、ㄚㄍㄜㄋㄧ火神[23]

1】 We choose Agni the messenger, the herald, master of all wealth,

Well skilled in this our sacrifice.


2】 With callings ever they invoke Agni, Agni, Lord of the House[24],

Oblation-bearer, much beloved.


3】 Bring the Gods hither, Agni, born for him who strews the sacred grass:

Thou art our herald, meet for praise.


4】 Wake up the willing Gods, since thou, Agni, performest embassage:

Sit on the sacred grass with Gods.


5】 O Agni, radiant One, to whom the holy oil is poured, burn up

Our enemies whom fiends protect.


6】By Agni Agni is inflamed, Lord of the House, wise, young, who bears

The gift: the ladle is his mouth.


7】 Praise Agni in the sacrifice, the Sage whose ways are ever true,

The God who driveth grief away.


8】 God, Agni, be his strong defence who, lord of sacrificial gifts,

Worshippeth thee the messenger.


9】 Whoso with sacred gift would fain call Agni to the feast of Gods,

O Purifier, favour him.


10】 Such, Agni, Purifier, bright, bring hither to our sacrifice,

To our oblation bring the Gods.


11】 So lauded by our newest song of praise bring opulence to us,

And food, with heroes for our sons.


12】 O Agni, by effulgent flame, by all invokings of the Gods,

Show pleasure in this laud of ours.



BOOK The First HYMN XXVI. Agni.第一捲曲26、ㄚㄍㄜㄋㄧ火神[27]

1】 O Worth of oblation, Lord of prospering powers, assume thy robes,

And offer this our sacrifice.


2】 Sit ever to be chosen, as our Priest, most youthful, through our hymns,

O Agni, through our heavenly word.


3】 For here a Father for his son, Kinsman for kinsman worshippeth,

And Friend, choice-worthy, for his friend.


4】 Here let the foe-destroyers sit, Varua, Mitra, Aryaman,

Like men[28], upon our sacred grass.


5】 O ancient Herald, be thou glad in this our rite and fellowship:

Hearken thou well to these our songs.


6】 Whate’er in this perpetual course we sacrifice to God and God[31],

That gift is offered up in thee.


7】 May he be our dear household Lord, Priest, pleasant and, choice-worthy may

We, with bright fires, be dear to him.


8】 The Gods, adored with brilliant fires, have granted precious wealth to us;

So, with bright fires, we pray to thee.


9】 And, O Immortal One, so may the eulogies of mortal men

Belong to us and thee alike.


10】 With all thy fires, O Agni, find pleasure in this our sacrifice,

And this our speech, O Son of Strength.



BOOK The First HYMN XXVII. Agni.第一捲曲27、ㄚㄍㄜㄋㄧ火神[32]

1】 With worship will I glorify thee, Agni, like a long-tailed steed,

Imperial Lord of sacred rites.


2】 May the far-striding Son of Strength, bringer of great felicity,

Who pours his gifts[34] like rain, be ours.


3】 Lord of all life, from near; from far[35], do thou, O Agni evermore

Protect us from the sinful man.


4】 O Agni, graciously announce this our oblation to the Gods,

And this our newest song of praise.


5】 Give us a share of strength most high, a share of strength that is below,

A share of strength that is between.


6】 Thou dealest gifts, resplendent One; nigh, as with waves of Sindhu, thou

Swift streamest to the worshipper[37].


7】 That man is lord of endless strength whom thou protectest in the fight,

Agni, or urgest to the fray.


8】 Him, whosoever he may be, no man may vanquish, mighty One:

Nay, very glorious power is his.


9】 May he who dwells with all mankind bear us with war-steeds through the fight,

And with the singers win the spoil.


10】 Help, thou who knowest lauds, this work, this eulogy to Rudra[38], him

Adorable in every house.


11】 May this our God, great, limitless, smoke-bannered[39] excellently bright,

Urge us to strength and holy thought.


12】 Like some rich Lord of men may he, Agni the banner of the Gods,

Refulgent, hear us through our lauds.


13】 Glory to Gods, the mighty and the lesser, glory to Gods the younger and the elder!

Let us, if we have power, pay the God worship: no better prayer than this, ye Gods, acknowledge.



BOOK The Sixth HYMN IX. Agni.第六捲曲9、ㄚㄍㄜㄋㄧ火神[40]

1】 One half of day is dark, and bright the other: both atmospheres move on by sage devices.

Agni Vaisvanara[41], when born as Sovran, hath with his lustre overcome the darkness.


2】 I know not either warp or woof, I know not the web they weave when moving to the contest.

Whose son shall here speak words that must be spoken without assistance from the Father near him?


3】 For both the warp and woof he understandeth, and in due time shall speak what should be spoken,

Who knoweth as the immortal world's Protector, descending, seeing with no aid from other.


4】 He is the Priest, the first of all: behold him. Mid mortal men he is the light immortal.

Here was he born, firm-seated in his station Immortal, ever waxing in his body.


5】 A firm light hath been set for men to look on: among all things that fly the mind is swiftest.

All Gods of one accord, with one intention, move unobstructed to a single purpose.


6】 Mine ears unclose to hear, mine eye to see him; the light that harbours in my spirit broadens.

Far roams my mind whose thoughts are in the distance. What shall I speak, what shall I now imagine?


7】 All the Gods bowed them down in fear before thee, Agni, when thou wast dwelling in the darkness.

Vaisvanara[43] be gracious to assist us, may the Immortal favour us and help us.



BOOK The Tenth HYMN V. Agni.第十捲曲5、ㄚㄍㄜㄋㄧ火神[44]

1】 He only is the Sea, holder of treasures: born many a time he views the hearts within us.

He hides him in the secret couple's bosom. The Bird dwells in the middle of the fountain.


2】 Inhabiting one dwelling-place in common, strong Stallions and the Mares have come together.

The sages guard the seat of Holy Order, and keep the highest names concealed within them.


3】 The Holy Pair[49], of wondrous power, have coupled: they formed the Infant, they who bred produced him.

The central point of all that moves and moves not, the while they wove the Sage's thread with insight.


4】 For tracks of Order[51] and refreshing viands attend from ancient times the goodly Infant.

Wearing him as a mantle, Earth and Heaven grow strong by food of pleasant drink and fatness.


5】 He, calling loudly to the Seven red Sisters, hath, skilled in sweet drink, brought them to be looked on.

He, born of old, in middle air hath halted, and sought and found the covering robe of Pusan.


6】 Seven are the pathways which the wise have fashioned; to one of these may come the troubled mortal.

He standeth in the dwelling of the Highest, a Pillar, on sure ground where paths are parted.


7】 Not Being, Being in the highest heaven, in Aditi's bosom and in Daksa's birthplace,

Is Agni, our first-born of Holy Order, the Milch-cow and the Bull in life's beginning.




[1] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rigveda rg源自rc,是歌頌的意思,也指兩句短話構成一節的梵文詩體。

[2] 趙京,201675日初稿。

[3] 如《摩奴法典》(迭朗善譯,馬香雪轉譯,北京:商務印書館1982)第四卷1231的引用:“娑摩吠陀的經文系用詩體寫成,以供歌詠;梨俱吠陀亦用詩體,但僅應朗誦

[4] http://www.yinduabc.com/hindu/1647.htm 有四首譯文。

[5] http://cidian.foyuan.net/%C0%E6%BE%E3%B7%CD%CD%D3/

[6] http://baike.baidu.com/view/84755.htm

[7] https://book.douban.com/subject/4719016/

[8] Ralph T.H. Griffith trans. Quality Paperback Book Club, New York, 1992.

[9] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b8WLGAYGlbAGriffith英譯文朗誦,還配有簡略的中日韓等多種語言翻譯字面。

[10] H.H. Wilson trans. Rig-Veda Sanhita, New Delhi: Cosmo Publications, 1977.

[11] Rigveda, A Vedic Reader for Students, trans. Arthur Anthony Macdonell, 1971. http://oll.libertyfund.org/titles/rigveda-a-vedic-reader-for-students

[12] Wendy Doniger trtans. The Rig Vade: An Anthology,Penguin Books, 1981.此書是為公眾而不是為學者所寫,對每一首詩的注釋聯想比較豐富,不一定準確。

[13] Sri Aurobindo, Hymns to the Mystic Fire, Pondicherry, India, 1952.

[14] Ralph T.H. Griffith trans. Quality Paperback Book Club, New York, 1992. P.633.

[15] http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_96f6cbb10102wgxx.html

[16] Agni,也音譯為阿耆阿格尼意譯準確就應該用意譯火神,有時也指神火。它擔當天和地、人和神之間的信使、調解者,在《智識頌讚》中有兩百多首讚頌它,占第二位。所有古代經文都是在夜晚的篝火邊被傳頌吟唱,對火的崇拜自然是首先的話題。

[17] 英文引自Rigveda, A Vedic Reader for Students, trans. Arthur Anthony Macdonell, 1971. http://oll.libertyfund.org/titles/rigveda-a-vedic-reader-for-students

[18] 指導家族崇拜禮儀等的祭司。H.H. Wilson trans. Rig-Veda Sanhita, New Delhi: Cosmo Publications, 1977. 也譯為chosen priest. Ralph T.H. Griffith trans. Quality Paperback Book Club, New York, 1992.

[19] Wendy Doniger trtans. The Rig Vade: An Anthology,Penguin Books, 1981. P.99:  “most abounding heroic sons.” H.H. Wilson trans. Rig-Veda Sanhita, New Delhi: Cosmo Publications, 1977. P.3: “the multiplier of mankind.” 《梨俱吠陀》第1卷第1首第13節,引自季羨林主編:《印度古代文學史》第20頁。http://www.sasnet.cn/zuixincg/showcontent.asp?iD=134










[20] Ralph T.H. Griffith trans. Quality Paperback Book Club, New York, 1992. P.1: “truthful.”

[21] 古代祭司家族,通常指ㄨㄟㄉㄚ聖典中出現的火神等。作為高於眾神和人的存在,他們的犧牲儀式成為祭司們必須遵守的典範。據《摩奴法典》(迭朗善譯,馬香雪轉譯,北京:商務印書館1982)序言(第5頁):“g字常讀硬音,就像在它後面有一個u字一樣,所以Angiras,讀Anguiras,不讀Anjiras








[23] Ralph T.H. Griffith trans. Quality Paperback Book Club, New York, 1992.  http://www.hinduwebsite.com/sacredscripts/hinduism/rigveda/agni_1.asp 專門只列出對火神的讚頌,不過要留意一些拼寫錯誤。

[24] H.H. Wilson trans. Rig-Veda Sanhita, New Delhi: Cosmo Publications, 1977. P.3: “the lord of men”. Sri Aurobindo, Hymns to the Mystic Fire, Pondicherry, India, 1952. P.5: “the Lord of the crestures”.

[25] Sri Aurobindo, Hymns to the Mystic Fire, Pondicherry, India, 1952. P.7: “whose mouth receives the offerings.”

[26] H.H. Wilson trans. Rig-Veda Sanhita, New Delhi: Cosmo Publications, 1977. P.31: “the source of progeny.”

[27] Ralph T.H. Griffith trans. Quality Paperback Book Club, New York, 1992. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b8WLGAYGlbA用這個英譯文朗誦,還配有簡略的中日韓等多種語言翻譯字面。

[28] H.H. Wilson trans. Rig-Veda Sanhita, New Delhi: Cosmo Publications, 1977. P.68: “as they did at the sacrifice of MANUS.” Wendy Doniger trtans. The Rig Vade: An Anthology,Penguin Books, 1981. P.100: “as upon Manu’s.”  



[31] Wendy Doniger trtans. The Rig Vade: An Anthology,Penguin Books, 1981. P.100: “to this god or that god”.

[32] Ralph T.H. Griffith trans. Quality Paperback Book Club, New York, 1992.   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b8WLGAYGlbA用這個英譯文朗誦,還配有簡略的中日韓等多種語言翻譯字面。

[33] 驅趕蒼蠅。

[34] blessings祝福。H.H. Wilson trans. Rig-Veda Sanhita, New Delhi: Cosmo Publications, 1977.

[35] who goest everywhere無處不在。H.H. Wilson trans. Rig-Veda Sanhita, New Delhi: Cosmo Publications, 1977.

[36] H.H. Wilson trans. Rig-Veda Sanhita, New Delhi: Cosmo Publications, 1977. “the food that is in heaven and mid-air,” “the wealth that is on earth.”

[37] H.H. Wilson trans. Rig-Veda Sanhita, New Delhi: Cosmo Publications, 1977.沒有出現難解的nigh()

[38] 怒吼者,這裡指火神,形容火焰的勢頭高漲。本身並沒有在聖典中參與祭祀,只是附屬出現。Wendy Doniger trtans. The Rig Vade: An Anthology,Penguin Books, 1981. P.219.

[39] 這個難懂的詞來自H.H. Wilson trans. Rig-Veda Sanhita, New Delhi: Cosmo Publications, 1977,專門形容火神像彗星那樣明亮。

[40] Ralph T.H. Griffith trans. Quality Paperback Book Club, New York, 1992.  http://www.hinduwebsite.com/sacredscripts/rig_veda_book_6.asp  ,不過要留意一些拼寫錯誤。

[41] Wendy Doniger trtans. The Rig Vade: An Anthology,Penguin Books, 1981. P.116譯為Of-all-menSri Aurobindo, Hymns to the Mystic Fire, Pondicherry, India, 1952. p.343譯為Godhead

[42] Wendy Doniger trtans. The Rig Vade: An Anthology,Penguin Books, 1981. P.116Sri Aurobindo, Hymns to the Mystic Fire, Pondicherry, India, 1952. p.343。前者的譯文面對公眾,特別在注釋中摻入豐富的文學想象,後者的譯文則很少注釋。這樣的段落即使讀起來缺少邏輯聯繫,我也儘量少加入主觀推理。

[43] Wendy Doniger trtans. The Rig Vade: An Anthology,Penguin Books, 1981. P.116譯為Of-all-menSri Aurobindo, Hymns to the Mystic Fire, Pondicherry, India, 1952. p.345譯為Universal Godhead

[44] Ralph T.H. Griffith trans. Quality Paperback Book Club, New York, 1992.  http://www.hinduwebsite.com/sacredscripts/rig_veda_book_10.asp  ,我改正了很少的拼寫失誤。這一首詩頌隱晦難懂,各種譯文有很不相同的解釋。

[45] 不同的版本譯法不同,這裡從簡,按照Sri Aurobindo, Hymns to the Mystic Fire, Pondicherry, India, 1952. p.525.翻譯。

[46] 英譯版注釋:天和地。

[47] 英譯版注釋:太陽。

[48] 按照Wendy Doniger trtans. The Rig Vade: An Anthology,Penguin Books, 1981. P.117.翻譯。

[49] 英譯版注釋:天和地。

[50] Sri Aurobindo, Hymns to the Mystic Fire, Pondicherry, India, 1952. p.525. Wendy Doniger trtans. The Rig Vade: An Anthology,Penguin Books, 1981. P.117.都有 “make him grow”.

[51] truth真理。Wendy Doniger trtans. The Rig Vade: An Anthology,Penguin Books, 1981. P.117.

[52] 英譯本注釋:七種火焰的姿勢。

[53] 太陽。

[54] 按照Sri Aurobindo, Hymns to the Mystic Fire, Pondicherry, India, 1952. p.527.翻譯。

[55] 眾神以及各種存在之母。

[56] ㄚㄉㄧㄊㄧ的輪迴重生。

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