網友討論:關於上帝的一個問題 |
送交者: 美地的羊 2006年02月08日00:02:05 於 [彩虹之約] 發送悄悄話 |
zdchen:有一個問題一直不明白,對於基督徒,當一個看上去像上帝的存在出現在他面前。他如何知道他面對的不是外星人,不是其他神靈,而是他信仰的上帝。如果以現代的科技,我們在原始人面前是不是也可以裝上帝了呢?這個問題也適用於其它宗教。 Junerain:我們的上帝既然是神,且是造我們的神,他就自然有辦法讓我們一看見他就知道這就是那一位唯一的父。就如同新舊約中有許多聖徒和先知,他們見到神,就知道了。假神可以模擬很多奇奇怪怪的行為,卻也只能誘惑那些一心只想看奇奇怪怪現象的心而已。人如果一心一意追隨耶穌,必不會疑惑。 a_Peter :很好, 再補充 耶穌道成了肉身 ,成為象你我一樣的人,來到你我的中間, 其中的一個 我們不把信基督當作宗教; 因為所有的宗教只是盲目地拜偶像, 不能告訴 我們這些信基督的人, 因為尋到了這一條認識神的道路, 我們就認識他, 我們基督徒,也是這樣,每天都讀神的話語,每天在禱告中和神交談,建立了一個和神親密的關係,到見面的時候,不會不認得的。 所以,顯現是這種親密關係的結果,只會發生在敬拜這位獨一真神的人身上。三心二意想判斷是哪個神的,根本沒有機會和可能來經歷神的顯現。 另外,神是眾光之父,是一切美善的源頭,你面對他時,很溫暖很自由,不由得存着敬畏感恩的心;若是邪靈假神,是不會有光的,非常的黑暗和污穢,你的感覺則是不安和驚懼。 When we ask this very question, we have already, unwittingly or knowingly, set a boundary for God's revelatory method. That is, God could or should be able to, show up as a visible figure of some sort (a superman or otherwise) to an ordinary folk like you and me. That implicit assumption can derail our thinking to the wrong path. Let's ask a more meaningful question (BTW, learning to ask the right question is not always easy ;-). What if God, in his own right and wisdom and whatever sovereignty, decides to reveal to mankind in a humanly appreciative manner, what would that kind of revelation be? Let's play God's counsels (or our own if that makes you feel more anthropocentric) for a few minutes. (1) God's revelation would have to appeal to our faculty of cognizance since otherwise we will remain agnostic about God. Such faculty could be sight, sound, tast, feel/touch, emotion, dream, or better yet, some solid rationality to the highly rational minds. (2) But then we all can see, hear, taste, feel, dream and reason. Nothing is too special about these cognizance capabilities. So the revelation has to be unusual, anti-common sense and unnatural (but not too extreme since we are readily inclined to reject extreme stuff). Thus the revelation has to be tangible to us in one way or another, that is to say, it must happen in our space time and history. It has to be unusual but too unusual beyond our comprehension and equilibrium of acceptability, that is to say, it has to have some unnatural (divine) smell. That is a real dilemma, it must be natural and unnatural at the same time. Gee, how is God going about doing that? The God solution to this human cognizance paradox is this: (1) God humbled himself and became a flesh and blood man named Jesus. (2) Before that happened, God prophetically announced in advance everything about the life and death and resurrection of Jesus, so much so that the biblical prophecy about Jesus is beyond any human capability. Please read on: 淺談聖經的科學性 說實在的,很多人,包括你我這些在網上混的人,都挺喜歡這麼個玩兒法的。但我 就是這個宇宙機器 按照一定的規律 設計好的序列 首先,你這是一個很 難得問題,就連在舊約時代, 在聖經 完成之後,神對人的話完整的在那裡,再有人說 |
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