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送交者: 謹守 2023年12月20日12:16:11 於 [彩虹之約] 發送悄悄話

3:15 In this very significant verse, Paul states his reason for writing 1 Timothy, providing one of the key NT descriptions of the church’s identity and mission. The use of household (Gk. oikos) and related words to describe the church and its ministry is common in Paul (cf. 1 Cor. 4:1; Gal. 6:10; Eph. 2:19; as well as 1 Tim. 3:4–5, 12, 15; 5:4, 8, 14; cf. 1 Pet. 4:17). It describes the church as God’s family, especially with reference to authority and responsibility within the church and the home. The stress is on God’s authority over the church and the behavior of people in the church. Church of the living God highlights the church as the gathering (Gk. ekklēsia, “assembly”) where God most clearly manifests his presence. Thus, references to God as the “living God” in Scripture often refer to his reality and presence in the community of believers (cf. Num. 14:28; Josh. 3:10; Matt. 16:16; 2 Cor. 6:16; Heb. 3:12; 9:14; 10:31). Identifying the church as a pillar and buttress of the truth is a way of saying that God has entrusted to the church the task of promoting and protecting the gospel (i.e., “the truth”; see note on 1 Tim. 2:4). The architectural imagery presents the church’s responsibility of “holding up” the gospel before a watching world, probably with a view to repelling the attack of false teaching. This picture of the church is striking. The role of advancing the gospel is divinely given to the church, not (at least not in the same way) to any other body. Parachurch organizations have value, but they must support and not supplant the church.[1]

3:15 在這節非常重要的文中,保羅闡述了他提摩太前的原因,提供了新對教會和使命的關鍵描述之一。保羅經常使用(希臘 oikos)和相關詞語來描述教會及其事工(參見林前 4:1;加 6:10;弗 2:19;以及提前 3:4-5, 12, 15; 5:4, 8, 14; 彼前 4:17)。它將教會描述神的家,特是在教會家庭中的權柄任方面。重點是神對教會權柄以及教會中人。永生神的教會調教會是神最楚地顯祂臨(希臘文 ekklēsia,“”)。因此,聖經中提到上帝“永生上帝”,常常指的是他在信徒群體中的實際存在參見14:28 3:10;太 16:16;林後 6 :163:129:1410:31)。將教會視為理的柱石和根基是一種說法,表明神已推廣和保福音(即“”;參見提前 2:4 的注)的任委託教會這種建築意象展教會觀看的世人面前“福音任,可能是退錯誤教導的攻這樣一種教會畫面是很引人注目。播福音的角色是神聖賦教會,而不是(至少不是以同的方式)任何其他機類教會的具有價,但它們支持而不是取代教會



[1] Crossway Bibles, The ESV Study Bible (Wheaton, IL: Crossway Bibles, 2008), 2330.

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