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送交者: oldfish 2024年01月18日00:02:18 於 [彩虹之約] 發送悄悄話



Papers presented at the Sixteenth International Conference
on Patristic Studies held
in Oxford 2011
Edited by
Volume 15:
Cappadocian Writers
The Second Half of the Fourth Century

Pneumatology and Soteriology according to
Gregory of Nazianzus and Cyril of Alexandria
Gregory K. HILLIS, Louisville, Kentucky, USA

It has been rightly noted that Gregory’s soteriology revolves around deification.3
In the patristic period, only Athanasius refers to terms denoting deification
more frequently than Gregory,4 and for Gregory it is the Holy Spirit who is
primarily responsible for our deification. Gregory points repeatedly to the
Spirit’s role in deification, particularly when defending the Spirit’s deity. In
his Fifth Theological Oration, an oration devoted entirely to the Holy Spirit,
Gregory writes: ‘If [the Spirit] has the same rank as I have, how can it make
me God (p¬v êmè poie⁄ Qeón), how can it link me with deity?’5 Later in the
same oration, he writes: ‘For if [the Spirit] is not to be worshipped, how could
it deify (qeo⁄) me through baptism?’6 In Oration 34, he writes: ‘If the Holy
Spirit is not God, let it first be deified (qewqßtw), and then let it deify (qeoútw)
me its equal.’7 Referring to the Spirit as baptism’s perfect completion in Oration
39, Gregory declares: ‘And how can [the Spirit] not be God … since you
become God (sù gínjÇ Qeóv) from it?’8 And in his poem on the Holy Spirit,
Gregory posits that the Spirit must be God because it forms or makes God here
on earth.9 Deification is at the heart of Gregory’s portrayal of the Spirit’s role
in human salvation, and indeed, at the heart of Gregory’s defence of the Spirit’s

deity.10 The Holy Spirit can make us gods only because the Spirit is itself God.
To deny the deity of the Spirit, who is given in baptism, is to deny salvation
as deification, for if the Spirit is not God then we are merely baptized into a

The Spirit’s role in the deification of humanity needs to be understood in the
broader context of Gregory’s portrayal of humanity’s creation and fall and of
his portrayal of the soteriological possibilities opened up for humanity through
the incarnation of the Son. Humanity was, according to Gregory, created to be
deified.12 In Oration 38, Gregory recounts the creation of humanity, emphasizing
that God intended the first human ultimately to be ‘deified by his inclination
towards God (pròv Qeòn neúsei qeoúmenon).’13 Deification was not, however,
to be thrust upon Adam, but was to be embraced by him through his free
will.14 He was to cultivate ‘immortal plants (fut¬n âqanátwn)’, or ‘divine
thoughts (qeíwn ênnoi¬n)’, and so to make progress in perfection that he might
be deified.15 But Adam, still spiritually immature, endeavoured to grasp that of
which he was not capable and was subsequently banished from the paradise in
which divine thoughts could be cultivated.16


這兩段話講兩件事實,對於【希臘教父】拿先斯的貴格利(Gregory of Nazianzus)而言:





送交者: 謹守 2024月01月17日21:25:31 於 [彩虹之約] 發送悄悄話

回  答: 這句話豈不是 由 oldfish 於 2024-01-17 20:18:39





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