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送交者: theson 2008年11月30日08:33:17 於 [彩虹之約] 發送悄悄話
  請我們先禱告 主,甚至在我們彼此交通的事上,求你也教導我們並引導我們,把路指示我們,我們在這事上信靠你。主,我們仍然需要更多的帶領,更多的引導!   詩歌:359♫   今日經節及註解: 約十三1~38 重點經節: 約13:14 我是主,是夫子,尚且洗你們的腳,你們也當彼此洗腳。   填空(請用鼠標左鍵選擇空白處) 約翰一至十二章說到(生命)來了,並且產生了由重生之人所組成的(召會)。在他們的靈里,他們是在(神)裡面,也是在諸天界裡;但在他們的身體裡,他們仍然活在(肉體)中,行走在地上。因着屬地的接觸,他們常被(玷污),這(阻撓)他們與主的交通,以及彼此的(交通)。因此,他們需要用聖靈、話和(生命)來洗滌,洗去他們的污穢,以維持與主並彼此的交通。這與用(血)洗他們的罪(約壹一7,9)不同。這就是在十二章之後,還需要十三章這洗腳的事作(表號)的原因。(參約十五5注2) 明天:主就是道路實際生命 We Also Ought to Wash One Another's Feet ¡¡ Let's Pray: Lord, teach us and guide us, even in our fellowship with one another. Show us the way. Lord, we still need more leading, more guidance. ¡¡ Hymn:474 ¡¡ Today's Verses and Footnotes: John 13:1-38 Key Verse: John 13:14 If I then, the Lord and the Teacher, have washed your feet, you also ought to wash one another's feet. ¡¡ Filling the Blanks (Please double-click the blanks): In John chs. 1--12 (life) came and brought forth the (church), composed of the regenerated ones. In their spirit the regenerated ones are in (God) and in the heavenlies, but in their body they are still living in the (flesh) and walking on the earth. Through their contact with earthly things they often become (dirty). This (frustrates) their fellowship with the Lord and with one another. Hence, there is the need for the washing with the Holy Spirit, the word, and (life). This is the washing away of their dirtiness that their fellowship with the Lord and with one another may be maintained; it is not the washing away of their sins by the (blood) (1 John 1:9). This is why, after ch. 12, there is a need for such a sign in this chapter. (See John 13:5 note 2) Tomorrow: The Lord Is the Way and the Reality and the Life
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