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送交者: theson 2009年05月24日15:21:40 於 [彩虹之約] 發送悄悄話
  請我們先禱告 主,我們不願意離開你作任何事,我們喜歡與你一同說話、行事和行動。主,我們將一切的愛戴歸給你!你是我們的神、我們的主、我們的主人和丈夫!   詩歌:521♫   今日經節及註解 雅一1~18 重點經節: 雅1:3 雅1:4 知道你們信心所受的試驗,產生忍耐。 但忍耐也當成功,好使你們齊備完整,毫無缺欠。   填空(請用鼠標左鍵選擇空白處) 雖然雅各可能沒有清楚看見(恩典)與律法的分別,但論到基督徒的(品行),他的書信卻是特殊且顯著的強調基督徒(實行)的完全,說到信徒應當齊備完整,毫無缺欠。這可視為本書的(主題)。這種基督徒(行為)上的完全,需要神行政對付的(試煉),(雅2,12,)並信徒憑那借着栽種的(話)得蒙重生(18,21)之神聖出生的效能而有的(忍耐)。(參雅一4注1) 明天:用溫柔領受栽種的話 Practical Christian Perfection ¡¡ Let's Pray: Lord, we do not like to do anything without You. Lord, we like to speak, to move, and to act with You. Lord, in our speaking we give all our adoration to You. ¡¡ Hymn:717 ¡¡ Today's Verses and Footnotes: James 1:1-18 Key Verse: James 1:3 Knowing that the proving of your faith works out endurance. James 1:4 And let endurance have its perfect work that you may be perfect and entire, lacking in nothing. ¡¡ Filling the Blanks (Please double-click the blanks) Although James might not have had a clear view concerning the distinction between (grace) and law, his Epistle is distinguished and remarkable in its presentation of Christian (conduct), emphasizing (practical) Christian perfection that the believers might be perfect and entire, lacking in nothing. This may be considered the main (subject) of this Epistle. Such perfection in Christian (behavior) requires the (trials) of God's governmental dealing and the believers' (endurance) by the virtue of the divine birth through regeneration by the implanted (word). (See James 1:4 note 1) Tomorrow: Receive in Meekness the Implanted Word
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