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God's Holy Temple
送交者: 寧遠3 2012年03月14日08:13:48 於 [彩虹之約] 發送悄悄話
Going to sleep Sunday evening with a headache, waking up Monday morning after
11.5 hours sleep, the headache was still there. Decided to relax and went to see the
doctor - I have not have health checkup for more than 5 years, talking about blessed by
God! And before my mom died, I swiped off friends suggestion on taking care of myself
with a chuckle, thinking I will be energetic and pumped up forever. While waiting outside
of Doctor's office, I read an interesting paragraph from <>
(Book 1, Chapter 23, Page 32):
Oh, you fool! Why do you think you will live a long life, when you are not sure of a single day?
How many have you been deceived like that and suddenly have been snatched
away from the body! So death comes to all and our lives swiftly pass away like a
Yes, Lord! Thank you for the reminder, that
my body is not my own, it is the temple of Holy Spirit:
1 Corinthians [6:19-20] ESV
Or do you not know that your body is a 19.
temple of the Holy Spirit within you, whom
you have from God? You are not your own,
20. for you were bought with a price. So
glorify God in your body.
 I need to take good care of God's holy temple! It is a maturity growth that as passionate as
I was before for the bible and Christian books, I don't squeeze out my sleep hours
just to read more. Be nice to myself is an act of loving God as well!
Thank you Lord! For taking me through all the troubles and distress to grow up in the words you are teaching us! Thank you
for allowing me to go through weakness of my health to teach me value my health - which I thought my perfect health would last forever!
1 Thessalonians [5:16-18]
16. Rejoice always,
17. pray without ceasing,
18. give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.
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