Mon: Act2 2 聖靈充滿方法之一:集體禱告 | 2:2 | [hb5] | 忽然從天上有響聲下來、好像一陣大風吹過、充滿了他們所坐的屋子。 | | | [asv] | And suddenly there came from heaven a sound as of the rushing of a mighty wind, and it filled all the house where they were sitting. | | 2:3 | [hb5] | 又有舌頭如火焰顯現出來、分開落在他們各人頭上。 | | | [asv] | And there appeared unto them tongues parting asunder, like as of fire; and it sat upon each one of them. | | 2:4 | [hb5] | 他們就都被聖靈充滿、按著聖靈所賜的口才、說起別國的話來。 | | | [asv] | And they were all filled with the Holy Spirit, and began to speak with other tongues, as the Spirit gave them utterance. | Tue: Acts 3 By faith, through faith and to faith: | 3:16 | [hb5] | 我們因信他的名、他的名便叫你們所看見所認識的這人、健壯了.正是他所賜的信心、叫這人在你們眾人面前全然好了。 | | | [asv] | And by faith in his name hath his name made this man strong, whom ye behold and know: yea, the faith which is through him hath given him this perfect soundness in the presence of you all. | Wed: Acts 4 福音的有效傳播一定是兩方面的,一方面我們傳道,一方面我們醫治,兩方面都是主的工作。當代福音的攔阻不是沒有傳道,而是我們的福音沒有顯出大能。 而最大的醫治,就是心靈的醫治,要知道我們是不是在傳福音,只要看接近我們福音的人是否得到醫治,得到改變,得到從天上來的生命。 | 4:29 | [hb5] | 他們恐嚇我們、現在求主鑒察.一面叫你僕人大放膽量、講你的道、一面伸出你的手來、醫治疾病、並且使神蹟奇事、因著你聖僕耶穌的名行出來。〔僕或作子〕 | | | [asv] | And now, Lord, look upon their threatenings: and grant unto thy servants to speak thy word with all boldness, | | | [asv] | while thy stretchest forth thy hand to heal; and that signs and wonders may be done through the name of thy holy Servant Jesus. | Thursday: Acts 5 We should always ask ourselves: is this work from men, self or from God? | 5:38 | [hb5] | 現在我勸你們不要管這些人、任憑他們吧.他們所值摹⑺械摹⑷羰淺鯪度恕⒈匾獢模� | | | [asv] | And now I say unto you, Refrain from these men, and let them alone: for if this counsel or this work be of men, it will be overthrown: | | 5:39 | [hb5] | 若是出於 神、你們就不能敗壞他們.恐怕你們倒是攻擊 神了。 | | | [asv] | but if it is of God, ye will not be able to overthrow them; lest haply ye be found even to be fighting against God. | Friday: Acts 6 雖然在弟兄互相建造上,我們用百般的恩慈,但在辯護真道上,神也必賜給我們 百般的智慧。 | 6:10 | [hb5] | 司提反是以智慧和聖靈說話、眾人敵擋不住. | | | [asv] | And they were not able to withstand the wisdom and the Spirit by which he spake. | Mon:Acts 7 人類之所以能夠不硬着頸項,不抗拒聖靈,不延續歷代繼承的罪根,只有一條出路,那就是在耶穌基督里接受不是人手所做的割禮,心與耳都根除掉世界所給的羞辱。 | 7:51 | [hb5] | 你們這硬著頸項、心與耳未受割禮的人、常時抗拒聖靈.你們的祖宗怎樣、你們也怎樣。 | | | [asv] | Ye stiffnecked and uncircumcised in heart and ears, ye do always resist the Holy Spirit: as your fathers did, so do ye. | Tue:Acts8 聖靈充滿方法之二:使徒按手 | 8:14 | [hb5] | 使徒在耶路撒冷、聽見撒瑪利亞人領受了 神的道、就打發彼得約翰往他們那裏去。 | | | [asv] | Now when the apostles that were at Jerusalem heard that Samaria had received the word of God, they sent unto them Peter and John: | | 8:15 | [hb5] | 兩個人到了、就為他們陡妗⒁興麄兪藶}靈. | | | [asv] | who, when they were come down, prayed for them, that they might receive the Holy Spirit: | | 8:16 | [hb5] | 因為聖靈還沒有降在他們一個人身上.他們只奉主耶穌的名受了洗。 | | | [asv] | for as yet it was fallen upon none of them: only they had been baptized into the name of the Lord Jesus. | | 8:17 | [hb5] | 於是使徒按手在他們頭上、他們就受了聖靈。 | | | [asv] | Then laid they their hands on them, and they received the Holy Spirit. | Wed:Acts 9 被大光擊醒的聖徒都是這樣:本來用人的遺傳來認識神,後來被神親自光照,然後震驚自己的眼瞎,再後在啟示里驚奇,三日杻轉乾坤足也,然後為福音赴湯蹈火在所不辭。 | 9:9 | [hb5] | 三日不能看見、也不吃、也不喝。 | | | [asv] | And he was three days without sight, and did neither eat nor drink. | Thurs:Acts 10 聖靈充滿方法之三:饑渴慕道 | 10:43 | [hb5] | 眾先知也為他作見證、說、凡信他的人、必因他的名、得蒙赦罪。 | | | [asv] | To him bear all the prophets witness, that through his name every one that believeth on him shall receive remission of sins. | | 10:44 | [hb5] | 彼得還說這話的時候、聖靈降在一切聽道的人身上。 | | | [asv] | While Peter yet spake these words, the Holy Spirit fell on all them that heard the word. | | 10:45 | [hb5] | 那些奉割禮和彼得同來的信徒、見聖靈的恩賜也澆在外邦人身上、就都希奇. | | | [asv] | And they of the circumcision that believed were amazed, as many as came with Peter, because that on the Gentiles also was poured out the gift of the Holy Spirit. | Fri:Acts 11
主派門徒兩兩齣去,現在還是這樣,兩人同工,一年生根,持續建造,必定見效。 | 11:25 | [hb5] | 他又往大數去找掃羅、 | | | [asv] | And he went forth to Tarsus to seek for Saul; | | 11:26 | [hb5] | 找著了、就帶他到安提阿去。他們足有一年的工夫、和教會一同聚集、教訓了許多人.門徒稱為基督徒、是從安提阿起首。 | | | [asv] | and when he had found him, he brought him unto Antioch. And it came to pass, that even for a whole year they were gathered together with the church, and taught much people, and that the disciples were called Christians first in Antioch. |