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弗五32『這是極大的奧秘,但我是指著基督與教會 說的。』


保羅寫歌羅西書的目的,是要完成神的話。這是他寫這卷書信的主要目的。由保羅所完成之神的話,是如今向聖徒顯明的奧秘。不僅如此,根據二十七節,這奧秘就是基督在我們裡面成了榮耀的盼望。這奧秘的目標,是要產生教會 。


在使徒寫歌羅西書的時候,猶太教已經存在了許多世紀,教會 也已經出現了。但神的話還沒有完成。保羅為歌羅西的光景焦急。猶太信徒和外邦信徒總是忽略基督與教會 ;他們把注意力集中於猶太教的規矩和外邦的哲學等類的事上。


包括猶太人和基督徒在內的許多人,說他們認識神也敬拜神。然而基督卻一直被忽略,真正的教會 生活始終被擺在一邊。因此,保羅寫了這卷給歌羅西人的書信,為要完成神的話。


雖然猶太人有舊約,基督徒有整本聖經,但是很少人真正為正確的教會 生活經歷基督。基督仍然被忽略,教會 生活仍然被輕忽。因此還需要在實行上完成神的話。


簡單的說,完成神的話就是主觀的經歷基督,並在我們的日常生活中享受他,使正當的教會 生活得以出現,把神彰顯出來。這個啟示就是神話語的完成。


今天基督徒從事各種為著主的工作,但對基督的經歷在那裡?教會 生活的實行在那裡?保羅知道猶太教不能完成神的心願,別的宗教也不能。神的願望乃是要借着他的子民對基督的親身經歷而產生教會 生活。


神要得著一個借着經歷基督而產生的生機體,就是基督的身體。在保羅的時代,有許多猶太人,基督徒也不少。但是保羅想到那種光景,也許會問:『對基督的經歷在那裡?完成神心願的教會 在那裡?』我們今天也要問同樣的問題。


我們需要一再的指出,這個啟示是關乎基督是神的具體化身,以及教會 是基督的彰顯。…有誰背這個負擔,宣告救主基督是賜生命的靈,將神聖的生命分賜到我們裡面?有誰在卸去這個負擔,告訴主的子民,他們應當是基督活的身體?


神話語的完成包括基督與教會 這極大的奧秘、元首基督的完滿啟示以及教會 ,就是基督身體的完滿啟示。這些事不只應當銘刻在我們心上,也當注入我們全人裡面。





English Version:

Eph. 3:9 "And to enlighten all that they may see what the economy of the mystery is, which throughout the ages has been hidden in God, who created all things."

5:32 "This mystery is great, but I speak with regard to Christ and the church."


    Paul's intention in the book of Colossians is to complete the word of God.This was his main purpose in writing this Epistle.... [Colossians 1:25 and 26] indicate that the word of God completed by Paul is the mystery now manifested to the saints. Furthermore, according to verse 27, this mystery is Christ in us, the hope of glory. The goal of this mystery is to produce the church. (Life-study of Colossians, p. 266)


    At the time the book of Colossians was written, Judaism had been in existence for centuries, and the church had come into being. Nevertheless,even though the church had come into being, the word of God had not yet been completed. Paul was troubled by the situation at Colossae. The Jewish and Gentile believers were neglecting Christ and the church; they were focusing their attention on such things as Judaistic observances and heathen philosophy. Many people, Jews and Christians alike, claimed to know God and to worship Him. However, Christ was being neglected and the genuine church life was being set aside. Therefore, Paul wrote the Epistle to the Colossians in order to complete the word of God.


    Although the Jews have the Old Testament and the Christians have the entire Bible, very few people truly are experiencing Christ for the proper church life. Christ is still neglected, and the church life is still ignored. Hence, there is still the need for the word of God to be completed in a practical way.


    In simple terms, to complete the word of God is to experience Christ subjectively and to enjoy Him in our daily living so that the proper church life may come forth to express God. This revelation is the completion of the word of God.


    Christians today are involved in many different kinds of work for the Lord. But where is the experience of Christ, and where is the practice of the church life? Paul knew that neither Judaism nor any other religion could fulfill the desire of God's heart. God's desire is to have the church life produced through His people's personal experience of Christ. God wants an organism, the Body of Christ, brought forth through the experience of Christ. At the time of Paul, there were many Jews and a good number of Christians as well. But as Paul considered the situation, he could have asked, "Where is the experience of Christ, and where is the church to fulfill the desire of God's heart?" We should ask the same questions today.


    We need to point out again and again that this revelation concerns Christ as the embodiment of God and the church as the expression of Christ.... Who is bearing the burden to declare that Christ the Savior is the life-giving Spirit imparting the divine life into us? Who is discharging the burden to tell the

Lord's people that they should be the living Body to express Christ on the proper ground in each locality? We in the Lord's recovery must take up the responsibility for this.


    The completion of the word of God includes the great mystery of Christ and the church (Eph. 5:32); the full revelation concerning Christ, the Head (Col. 1:26-27; 2:19; 3:11); and the full revelation concerning the church, the Body (Eph. 3:3-6). Not only should these matters be impressed upon us; they

should be infused into our being. May the Lord make us all clear concerning His recovery and concerning the wrestling for the completion of the word of God. If we would be those who complete the word of God, we must minister Christ as the life-giving Spirit and stand with the church as the living

expression of Christ on the proper ground of locality. This is our burden, our ministry, and our warfare. (Life-study of Colossians, pp. 266 -267, 111-112)


    Further Reading: Life-study of Colossians, msgs. 13, 32


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