經常看到網上為John 3:16中的"世人"爭論,到底是指選民,還是全體人。其實,這段經文重點並不在選民還是全體人員。
Lee Gatiss認為( Director of Church Society and Editor of The NIV Proclamation Bible (Hodder). Lee is also Review Editor of the journal Churchman, and Series Editor of The Reformed Evangelical Anglican Library.
He has studied history and theology at Oxford, Cambridge, and
Westminster Theological Seminary (Philadelphia), and trained for
Anglican ministry at Oak Hill (London).)
I don’t think John 3:16 says anything about the extent or intent of the
atonement. I don’t think that John, when he wrote that verse (or Jesus
when he spoke it), was intending to teach us something about the topic
of limited atonement as defined by theologians since the 17th century.
But it is too easy for us today to read 1st century texts with 17th (or
21st) century spectacles. Why do we ignore the Jew-Gentile division
background to 1 John 2:2, and the proto-Gnosticism of John’s opponents,
when interpreting that verse for example? Why is it quoted so often as
if it just settled a 17th century question in a line (and as if Reformed
theologians had forgotten to read 1 John)? I think we need to be
careful to understand the plain meaning of a text in its own context,
rather than what it might mean if it was spoken by one of us today in
an entirely different context and with different presuppositions about
what the words might signify.
也就是說John 3:16 根本不是指救贖的extent和intent,Dr. Carson
在On Distorting the Love of
這樣的解釋並非Carson原創。實際上,一百年前的B. B. Warfield就有這樣的教導,而Kuiper在其God Centered