6:10 May your kingdom come (ἐλθέτω ἡ βασιλεία σου). The second God-oriented petition is concerned mainly with the eschaton (末世). The God-petitions are all tied together in the sense that they all reflect a desire for the coming of the final kingdom (cf. 1 Cor 16:22; Rev 22:20). God’s name will never be finally honored until Christ’s return.
Yet there is also an ABA pattern in the sense that the eschatological element is primarily in this second petition, surrounded by two that are perhaps primarily related to the present community. So while this second petition includes a desire that the kingdom come upon unbelievers (i.e., evangelism) and that God’s people experience the kingdom in a new way (i.e., spiritual growth), it primarily centers on a desire for this world to end. The Jews said that any prayer that fails to ask for the kingdom is not a true prayer. So this prayer asks for the present kingdom to manifest itself in new ways, but especially asks that God end this present order and bring the kingdom in fullness.[1]
[1] Osborne, G. R. (2010). Matthew (Vol. 1, p. 228). Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan.