送交者: guomingjie 2009年11月19日08:36:11 于 [彩虹之约] 发送悄悄话 |
I suppose that you are familiar with
Zionism history, Iran-Iraq war history, Saddam Hussein gaining power history. I suppose that President Bush was familiar with those issues too. Now please think about it: As 三军总司令 你可能选择不打伊战??? 情报告诉你伊拉克快成事了, 周围的高参都和你一样担心 本土和友邦的安全,反对党人中 除了极端自由派的都坐不住了, 你怎么能能选择不打呢??!! 你想想, 三军总司令能像极端自由派的人, 凡是战争就坚决反对。你能那么作吗??!! General Powell did WHAT in UN?? Now as 三军总司令, why President Obama could not end those TWO wars that he was against strongly and un-conditionally? |
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