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In him, we have justice and peace
送交者: paleorchid 2004年03月30日07:01:16 于 [彩虹之约] 发送悄悄话

Many times, I prayed that little Cecilia would be bring back to her parents savely. I still remember in the news conference, 4 days after Cecilia was missing, her mom said
"Cecilia, you asked me if I believe in God or not, now I can tell you, I believe, I hope He will bless you and bring you home".

Five months later, we know little Cecilia was curely murdered, long time ago....

Yesterday, in their letter to the public, Cecilia parents said "We committe Cecilia's soul to God in heaven, where Cecilia is now..."

Tears run down from my face, with pain and thanksgiving.
Father, I do not know why the prayer wasn't answered as I asked, but I thank you for the comfort and hope only you granted to Cecilia's parents, in the darkest moment.
Father, I do not know why the evil men could committe sure horrible crime and run away, but I do hear your word "Cursed is the man who kills his neighbor secretly"
Father, I do not know how to comfort Cecilia's parents, but I do know you said "Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted"
Lord, I lift up Cecilia's parents into your hand. May your love hold them, may your righteousness comfort them. May justice be done, as you would not leave the guilty unpunished. In you, we have hope, trust and peace.

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