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correction: so he is NOT in debt himself.
送交者: xinmin 2005年01月13日06:34:45 于 [彩虹之约] 发送悄悄话

称义: justified (declared acceptable before God)

justified or deemed righteous before God, is akin to a declaration of not guilty in a court of law.

But how can we sinners be not guilty? That is impossible by our own deeds, for even if we do great good deeds from now on, what about those evil deeds and evil motivations that already happened in our lives? Our good deeds are required by God, they cannot more than compensate for our own sins. Bach is pretending a man can be all righteous since birth. It is simply foolish to be that ignorant. The world's religions eexcept Christianity are THAT ignorant!

Thus, God provided a solution to this difficult problem by sending the unblemished Lamb of God, his Son Jesus Christ to die on our behalf. His blood can atone for our sins since he is without sin and he has the power to overcome death (so he is not trapped in death after paying up our debt of sin).

It is like in a court of law, we are the big debtors owing to God the almighty debtee. No matter how much good deeds we do, we cannot measure up to the perfect bar of moral code of God. We are doomed unless some white knight comes to our rescue by paying in FULL our debts. Jesus Christ is the only solution in all human history, since he is Son of God and has the dual qualifications to pay. The dual qualifications of Jesus: he is sinless (so he is NOT in debt himself), he overcomes death (he is NOT trapped in death after payment).

Praise the Lord!

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