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歌曲:Dust to Dust
送交者: 新歌 2016年02月08日12:12:52 于 [彩虹之约] 发送悄悄话

Sometimes it's hard to see
Sometimes it's hard to get through to me
But I want to do all that You ask me to
Help me to follow through
Make every day a devotion to You
'Cause it's dust to dust, until we learn how to trust

Sometimes I wander away
And I'm lost in the dark, my faith starts to sway
I don't know what to do, so I cry out to You
And I reach out in the air

And I call Your name and You're always there
Then You send down Your light
Then You tell me, walk by faith not by sight
And then You come shining down

I'm putting Your armor on
Finding myself so suddenly drawn
Like a moth to a flame, whenever I hear Your name
Help me to follow through
Make every day a devotion to You
'Cause it's dust to dust, until we learn how to trust

Sometimes I wander away
And I'm lost in the dark, my faith starts to sway
I don't know what to do, so I cry out to You
And I reach out in the air

And I call Your name and You're always there
Then You send down Your light
Then You tell me, walk by faith not by sight
And then You come shining down

Sometimes it's hard to see
You know, sometimes it's hard to get through to me
Sometimes it's hard to see
You know, sometimes it's hard to get through to me
But it's dust to dust until we learn how to trust
Until we learn how to trust

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