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Happy Birthday to My Precious Daughter
送交者: 一基督徒 2005年04月05日14:54:02 于 [彩虹之约] 发送悄悄话

Happy Birthday to My Precious Daughter

My darling

The time is flowing by

It’s your birthday again

I still remember the tiny little baby

Crying in my arms

And today; a beautiful young lady

Who is fourteen years old in my sight

How many times I thank God for you

The precious gift from heaven

I enjoyed every moment being with you

Thank you for being my daughter

Thank you allow me be your mom

I love you dearly.

My precious daughter

I won’t always be with you, but words I can give.

When the winds of hope are dying down, there words will live.

Above all else, know God’s the One who’ll never leave you.

Look to Him above all else.

He is love you can depend upon, a heart set to care.

If in the darkest night you should be lost, he will be there.

He’s the Everlasting Father,

In His hands you’ll never fall.

He’s the One who holds it all,

Above all else.

He’s the Author of your laughter,

He’s the keeper of your tears,

He’s the One who you must fear

Above all else.

He’s the Giver of the kingdom

Bought for you right from the start,

And He’ll ask you for your heart

Above all else.

So much to say

And not enough time left to say it.

Just love the Lord

Above all else.

Happy Birthday, my dearest daughter

May you have a beautiful day,

Have a wonderful year,

And have an everlasting life in the Lord Jesus!

Love Mom


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