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阿奎那, 上帝的存在, Five Ways
送交者: strangers 2018年05月05日19:29:20 于 [彩虹之约] 发送悄悄话

Theologians in Conversation: The 'Five Ways' of St Thomas Aquinas ...


阿奎那在非基督徒中似乎也很有名,特是他的关于上帝存在的五个“明” - Five Ways。youtube上有很多的相关的视频。当然也有反的,良莠不, 类似民数学家明歌德巴赫猜想。视频,从一个完全不同的角度讨论Five Ways. 当然Summa of the Summa, 或其它文章 也有提及,但是听两位教授讨论, 简单也有意思。

除非神学院,专职侍奉,一般平信徒,不太会Summa Theologica在家。所以有人可能会意外,鼎鼎有名的Five Ways 出问题#2, Article 3. 全部五点论述 in one Article, 共不到两。整本Summa, 三千多页开宗明,阿奎那解决的第一个问题是....? The Nature and Extent of Sacred Doctrine (Theology)!

从上述事 两位教授到了大众阿奎那,以及“Five Ways”的解。

视频简单 一, 阿奎那而言,上帝的存在is not a possibility. 考察summa 的构,很然,他对这问题此既不重也看不出感趣。多人他的了解只限于此,有失偏

二,怎么理解Five Ways?教授Karen指出Five Ways出Article 3, 接着

Article 1. Whether the existence of God is self-evident? 上帝的存在是否不言而

Article 2,Whether it can be demonstrated that God Exists? 是否可以展示/演示上帝存在?


教授Karen认为这正好明我们对Five Ways 有所. “ … Five ways do not mean to lay the rational basis for everything to follow, ... what he is doing here is to ask what is the status of our knowledge of God,  … not self-evident to us, … but we look around and we can reason to God. (阿奎那在这个问题试图讨论的是我们对上帝知的状况如何?上帝的存在有限的思(man as finite being),并非不言自明 (注1),但是我们环顾世界,我的理性将指向上帝。 (五种途径)是上述述的一个附一个) the Five Ways work as  … appendix”

三, Article 3 从原文拉丁文翻译为Does God exist? 字面上, 没有。但是其意meaning, 对现代人,与阿奎那 , Anselm, 并更早的基督徒,完全不同。彼,上帝的存在从来不是一个需要打勾的待选项视频中反复提到一个demonstrate, 不是明,而是“展示演示“。部分的讨论与Karen的第二个点有殊途同之意。

回到标题Five Ways 中文翻译为证明,不妥; 或者可以翻译为思考知上帝的存在的五种途径?

Maybe the best way to understand Aquinas is to read Aquinas directly. Question 2 Second Article Reply to Objection 3. From effects not proportionate to the cause no perfect knowledge of that cause can be obtained. Yet from every effect the existence of the cause can be clearly demonstrated, and so we can demonstrate the existence of God from His effects; though from them we cannot perfectly know God as He is in His essence.

Finally, it is said to be suggested by JPII that in evangelizing atheists, the Church shall not focus on convincing them the existence of God, but the longing of God. 找不到原文, 大意如此

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