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送交者: 克利西亞 2020年12月13日08:08:23 於 [彩虹之約] 發送悄悄話










  • 今天傳統基督教相信的《亞他拿修信經》,相傳出自他的手筆。

  • 他因自己多次的放逐經驗,著《安東尼傳》,對基督徒的修道主義有深遠影響。

  • 他在《致馬爾克路書》中藉(詩篇)找到自己的生活經驗和感情影子成為個人靈修生活的見證。

  • 他在《道成肉身》,以基督成為人,為教我們得成聖為他基本觀點,並對三位一體教義,貢獻良多。


the Word was made flesh, not only to offer up this body for all, but that we partaking of his Spirit, might be deified, a gift which we could not otherwise have gained than by his clothing himself in our created body; for hence we derive our name of 'man of God' and 'man of Christ'. And as we by receiving the Spirit, do not lose our own proper substance, so the Lord when made man for us, and bearing a body, was no less God; for he was not lessened by the envelopment of the body, but rather deified it and rendered it immortal.

道成肉身(約翰114)的目的乃是要叫他為所有的人所獻(為祭),好叫我們這些領受祂(聖)靈(Spirit)的人能夠被神化(divinized)。除非藉由祂穿上我們受造的身體,我們無法得到這個恩典。所以,我們得以被稱為(屬)神的子民在基督里的人。正如我們接受(聖)靈(Spirit)的人,並沒有失去我們本身的性質(idian ousian,指人性),所以主為了我們的緣故成為一個人,披上了一個身體,並不比神(God,大寫,獨一的真神)小一樣。祂(He, 大寫,指神的兒子)並不因為被身體遮藏而降卑,反而使它神化(deified)並使它不朽。




The grace of God came to you and ‘gave you the power to become the sons of God’ (John 1:12). Hear the voice of my Father saying, ‘I have said, you are gods and all of you children of the Most High’ (Ps. 82:6). Since then they are men, and the sons of men, if they are not the children of the Most High,, they are lairs, for, ‘all men are lairs’ (Ps. 116:11). If they are the sons of God, if they have been redeemed by the Saviour’s grace, if purchased with the precious blood, if born again of water and of the Spirit, if predestinated to be the inheritance of heave, then indeed they are children of God. And so thereby are gods. What then would a lie have to do with you? Fro Adam was a mere man; Christ, man and God; God, the Creator of all creation. Adam a mere man, the man Christ, the mediator with God, the only Son of the Father, the God-man. You, O man, are far from God, and God is far above man; between them the God man placed himself. Acknowleddge Christ and by him as man ascend up to God.


Serm. 81.6, Pg 38.503, NPNF, Augustine of Hippo – 奧古斯丁

  背靠教父是最有意思的 - oldfish 12/13/20 (70)
    主日崇拜,準備你千遍一律的講章去吧 - 克利西亞 12/13/20 (74)
      你還是在逃避。遇到關鍵問題,就溜??  /無內容 - repentant 12/13/20 (73)
        死不改悔  /無內容 - 克利西亞 12/13/20 (75)
          快去反駁吧,說什麼廢話?你還有悔改的機會。 - repentant 12/13/20 (72)
    悔恨哥改名“死不改悔”吧  /無內容 - 克利西亞 12/13/20 (49)
    你去搬搬看看 - 克利西亞 12/13/20 (62)
    所以,你們異端萬變不離其宗,根深蒂固。  /無內容 - 追求永生 12/13/20 (102)
      你也改“追求永生”名成“神化永生”吧  /無內容 - 克利西亞 12/13/20 (80)
        耶穌被你們調和出“神人"來,就是異端! - repentant 12/13/20 (60)
    亞當的父親是神,你孩子的父親是你 - 克利西亞 12/13/20 (89)
      他的父親不是神!別搞錯了!:) - oldfish 12/13/20 (53)
      你這是不知道本質區分的類比,和你從前的錯誤一樣  /無內容 - 追求永生 12/13/20 (70)
        讓你類比見鬼去吧 - 克利西亞 12/13/20 (58)
          這不是挑刺,不要大事化小。你少散布異端,跟你喝茶聊天沒問題。  /無內容 - 追求永生 12/13/20 (82)
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