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送交者: 雪梅 2021年01月19日14:05:14 於 [彩虹之約] 發送悄悄話






桑德嘉弟兄的評論: “《美國福音,惟獨基督》缺失了什麼?”非常值得分享:

丹麥的托爾本.桑德嘉(Torben Søndergaard)在他網站上發表了這篇評論文章(同時也在YouTube上傳視頻分析此片)。他指出他也在教會中是看到了成功神學帶來的很多問題。但是,他指出這部片子把教會簡單地劃分成兩個陣營。一方是成功神學,信心運動,沒有真福音知識。另一方是有真福音,有真理,是建造在基督耶穌上的。然而,不是所有現在基督徒經歷的神跡都是騙局。他自己經歷過的神跡,他知道那些經歷是真實的。他指出除了此片中強調的悔改和相信,受浸和受聖靈的浸也是非常重要的。聖經記錄了在使徒時代,信徒受聖靈的澆灌後行的大奇事。他堅信聖靈今天任然在工作中。



My message to you out there is that you don’t need to choose between the two sides you see in the movie American Gospel:  Christ Alone. Many years ago, when I left the “faith movement” as I often call it, I was for a long time listening to some of the preachers you see in the movie.  I even met some of them.  And what I heard, I really loved.  It was so good to finally get some good, solid Bible teaching (some of it), that I had been missing where I came from.  I loved the focus on the fear of God.  I loved the focus on the Cross.  Yes, many things I had been missing, I got from there.  But after a short time, I started to feel dry, like something was missing.  I felt something was really wrong, and then the Holy Spirit stopped me.  He showed me how I had just gone from one side of the road to the other.  And I had now started to deny the work of the Holy Spirit.  And I am so thankful that God stopped me there.  Don’t make the same mistake I did, by leaving one wrong side to go over to another.  Don’t throw the baby out with the bathwater.  Yes, we need the Word and that is important. But we also need the Spirit. We can not live without both. We should worship Him in Spirit and Truth (John 4:24).






    感覺你主張的和他講的不矛盾。 - 軟弱 01/21/21 (196)
      嗯,理解。我強調二者一開始就沒有也不應該分開。  /無內容 - 追求永生 01/25/21 (185)
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