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ZT: Peace 平安
送交者: 谨守 2021年03月15日07:17:58 于 [彩虹之约] 发送悄悄话


Peace denotes the wholeness, soundness, and well-being that characterizes God and that God created in the world. As peace was broken due to human sin, such well-being constitutes the hope for ultimate restoration by God.

Concept Summary

In the biblical writings, peace is the wholeness that comes as a result of alignment with God’s creative and redemptive purposes. Peace can refer to the cessation of war, but the biblical concept of peace is often broader. The word שָׁלוֺם (šālôm, “soundness, peace”) can refer to wholeness or well-being in general as well as to political or interpersonal peace. Other Hebrew words within the semantic domain of peace include verbs denoting states of quietness (שָׁקַט, šāqaṭ), rest (נוּחַ, nûaḥ), and completion (שָׁלֵם, šālēm). New Testament authors rely heavily on the noun εἰρήνη (eirēnē, “peace”) but do so with various nuances. Peace occurs not only in interpersonal relationships, but also in ethnic and political relationships. Peace also carries a cosmic connotation, in which all aspects of creation, both human and non-human, should exist in harmony with each other. Peace is thus the ideal of creation that God’s redemptive activity seeks to restore.

Theological Overview

The flourishing existence of creation described in Gen 1–2 shapes how peace is understood throughout the rest of the Bible. Peace involves well-being. For this reason, it is possible to wish someone שָׁלוֺם (šālôm, “peace, health”) as a greeting. The word εἰρήνη (eirēnē, “peace”) is used in the greetings of nt letters; this is part of a significant adaptation of the customary greeting of Graeco-Roman letter culture, and it fits with the ot practice of wishing peace as part of a greeting (1 Cor 1:3; 1 Pet 1:2). The use of this word in the greeting of a letter is not an empty custom, but rather assures the readers of the letter of the presence of God’s peace. This peace comes to us through the redemptive activity of Jesus in his cross and resurrection (Rom 5:1).

Christians should seek to live at peace with other human beings (εἰρηνεύω, eirēneuō; Rom 12:18; eirēnē; Heb 12:14), but ultimately peace comes as a result of Jesus’ work and thus is a gift given by God. Ephesians describes Christ creating a new humanity by healing the divisions between Jews and Gentiles and making peace (eirēnē) between them (Eph 2:14–15)—and by being “our peace (eirēnē).” The idea of God being and bringing peace is not simply a nt idea. Yahweh is identified as peace in the ot (Judg 6:24) and promises to give peace to his people if they obey his laws (Lev 26:6) The robust sense of peace given throughout the ot and nt is an important element of the ultimate hope for what God will accomplish in the end. This peace is both a cessation of war and the well-being and harmonious living of all God’s restored creation, which is brought about by the saving activity of the Messiah (Isa 2:2–4; 9:5).

Lexical Information

Old Testament

שָׁלוֺם (šālôm). n. masc. soundness, peace. The state of being whole.

This word basically describes sound circumstances. Bodily soundness (šālôm) is equivalent to physical health (e.g., Psa 38:3), so people can inquire about the well-being (šālôm) of another (Gen 29:6). The word can also denote the wellness and tranquility that characterizes the life of the righteous before death (e.g., Gen 15:15). It can refer to political peace—the absence of war (e.g., Josh 9:15)—but more often describes sound relationships between human beings and God (Isa 54:10) or between humans and others (Isa 59:8).

שָׁלֵם (šālēm). vb. to be complete; make complete. The state of being whole or action of making whole.

This verb is related to שָׁלוֺם (šālôm, “soundness, peace”) and primarily denotes completion. Solomon completed (šālēm) the temple that he built (1 Kgs 9:25). People who are responsible for certain kinds of wrong situations are obligated to make restitution (šālēm), thus restoring a good situation (e.g., Exod 21:36). It can also refer to making or having relational soundness more broadly, including political peace (e.g., Deut 20:12) and peace with God (e.g., Job 22:21).

נוּחַ (nûaḥ). vb. to settle down, rest. The action of stopping or cessation of activity.

This verb primarily denotes rest brought about by activity ceasing. Noah’s ark comes to rest (nûaḥ) on Mount Ararat by ceasing to float when the waters receded (Gen 8:4). When God rested (nûaḥ) on the Sabbath, he did so to mark the end of his creative work (Exod 20:11). Political peace involves enemy attacks ceasing and is thus sometimes framed as rest from enemies; this is most common in expressions about God giving rest (nûaḥ) from enemies to his people (e.g., 2 Sam 7:1, 11).

שָׁקַט (šāqaṭ). vb. to be quiet, rest. The state or action of being quiet or restful.

This verb denotes the state of being quiet. The psalmist can ask God to not be quiet (šāqaṭ) but instead to respond to his enemies (Psa 83:1). When there is political peace after war, the land is said to have rest (šāqaṭ) from war (e.g., Judges 3:11); similarly, people who are uninterested in war are described as quiet (šāqaṭ; e.g., Judges 18:7; Ezek 38:11). Proverbs also describes someone making interpersonal peace as quieting (šāqaṭ) contention (Prov 15:18).

New Testament

εἰρήνη (eirēnē) n. fem. peace. The state of well-being and concord.

In the Septuagint, eirēnē is the usual translation of שָׁלוֺם (šālôm, “soundness, peace”). In the nt, eirēnē also carries some of the meaning of well-being expressed by šālôm. Thus, the phrase “go in peace” can function as a farewell phrase that simply means “be well.” It can also be used of harmonious relationships between governments (Luke 14:32) or between individuals (Heb 12:14). Paul regularly opens his letters with a formula offering grace and peace (eirēnē) to the recipients (e.g., 1 Cor 1:2). Christ brought peace between humans and God, and between Jews and Gentiles, uniting them in his Church (Eph 2:14–17); thus, the Christian message is the gospel of peace (Eph 6:15).

εἰρηνεύω (eirēneuō). vb. to live in harmony. The action of living in concord with others.

This verb can denote causing other parties to live in peace or to resolve the divisions between them. However, in the nt it refers to living in harmony and always appears in instructions to “be at peace” (eirēneuō) with one another (e.g., Mark 9:50; 1 Thess 5:13).

 Lookadoo, J. (2014). Peace. D. Mangum, D. R. Brown, R. Klippenstein, & R. Hurst (Eds.), Lexham Theological Wordbook. Bellingham, WA: Lexham Press.

  能不能用简单的语言描述一下,什么是平安?  /无内容 - 问号哥 03/15/21 (783)
    上帝的忿怒在人身上的止息  /无内容 - 谨守 03/15/21 (784)
      上帝的愤怒是什么样子?你见过吗?  /无内容 - 问号哥 03/15/21 (765)
        见过:耶稣被钉十字架的样子  /无内容 - 谨守 03/15/21 (805)
          平安,是止息你内心的忿怒,非是止息神明的忿怒  /无内容 - 问号哥 03/15/21 (799)
            颠倒过来的,是上帝的忿怒在你身上止息  /无内容 - 谨守 03/15/21 (771)
              你见过上帝的忿怒吗?  /无内容 - 问号哥 03/15/21 (774)
                见下条  /无内容 - 谨守 03/15/21 (744)
          所以啊,你没见过上帝的忿怒,但你体会过自己心里的忿怒,对吧?  /无内容 - 问号哥 03/15/21 (759)
            我不是跟你说过我见到上帝的忿怒就是把耶稣钉十字架的样子了吗? - 谨守 03/15/21 (781)
              但你也没见过耶稣钉十字架啊  /无内容 - 问号哥 03/15/21 (783)
                你见你妈生你吗?没有,对不?但你信你是你妈生的吗?肯定信,不 - 谨守 03/15/21 (790)
                  所以你没见过耶稣上十字架,也没见过上帝的忿怒,这些都靠脑补。  /无内容 - 问号哥 03/15/21 (850)
                    你爸跟你说你妈生孩子的时候叫过鬼门关,你对你爸说:谢绝脑补? - 谨守 03/15/21 (746)
                    所以你未见你妈生养你就等于你妈没爱过你,而你靠脑补才知道你妈 - 谨守 03/15/21 (755)
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