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East, Easter, yeast
送交者: jingchen 2021年04月03日05:36:48 於 [彩虹之約] 發送悄悄話

East, Easter, yeast

Easter is probably originated from Eostre, the goddess of dawn. Dawn is often associated with the east. This is probably how Easter is related to east. 

The goddess of dawn is the symbol of youth and fecundity. Bunnies, which are very fecund, and eggs are popular at Easter time.

Yeast is very fecund. Yeast is probably related to Easter and east. 

In Chinese, people from the east are called 東夷。東 is east. 夷 means eastern people. It is pronounced ‘ea’ in east or ‘yea’ in yeast. Could 夷 be related to east?

漢語單音節的慣例,把'東'一個音節保留了下來。這麼多部落,無窮多的古代語言,關於東,僅僅一個說法,似乎不太可能,一定有遺失。考慮到eastern來自荷蘭語楓樹 esdoorn, doorn 也許是留下來的部分 '東', es 可能是遺失的部分'夷'。

芬蘭語說東是itaan, 和希伯萊人說的東方伊甸樂園eden一致。希伯萊語說楓樹是 eder, 也非常一致。

芬蘭語 說 東 itaan =  i+ taan =  夷  + 東。

夷的古音li. 也許跟黎明的'黎'有關, 'the god of dawn'.

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