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Critique on M's Foolish Babbling on Spirit and Flesh
送交者: xinmin 2006年04月20日23:34:33 於 [彩虹之約] 發送悄悄話

M: 在造了亞當的肉體後, 再將靈"吹"入亞當體內. 看來, 肉是肉, 靈是靈.

Critique: You jumped into conclusion too fast. First, whenever a certain union happens, we cannot over-emphasize the distinction between the components at the expense of their integrated nature of the union. Second, you also omit, intentionally (which suggests that your intention is questionable and objectionable) or unwittingly (which means you are simple minded), the critical consequence of God's breathing the breath of life: Adam became a living soul. It is the spirit that makes a person a living soul.

M: 到保羅那裡, 靈想要, 肉不能, 苦苦祈求早日拋棄舊衣(肉體), 披上新裝, 也好相靈是靈, 肉是肉.

Critique: Again as a poor and failed pupil of the bible, you are bent to be simple-minded. Paul was mindful of the finiteness of the mortal body, but he was also expectant of the new resurrected body that is immortal and glorious. Paul was excited about the union of the spirit with the resurrected new body.

Segregating the spirit with the body is never God's intention in his creation and redemption. The created body needs the spirit that makes a person a true living soul. Thus, the bible calls those dead in sin as spiritually dead. The present redeemed physical body becomes an instrument for righteousness and Kingdom service. The future resurrected body is the eternal temple of the spirit.

M: 但是, 為什麼

1. 亞當夏娃犯罪, 是肉體犯罪在先, 還是靈里犯罪在先?

Critique: You asked a wrong question. The correct question to ask is: when Adam and Eve sin (rebel against God), what happened at the same time to their spirit and body? The correct answer is: their spirit became irresponsive, numb or dead to God, their body became a corpse devoid of the living spirit. Thus they hid and separated from God.

M: 2. 原罪的載體是靈還是肉體?

Critique: Again you try to separate them and ask a wrong question. The original sin was the willful rebellion against God under Satan's temptation and resulted in the disunity of the spirit and body. The body became a vehicle of unrighteousness while the spirit was dead.

M: 3. 人肉體的罪, 是怎樣改變污染人的靈的? (如果沒有, 那麼靈不會有罪).

Critique: A sinful man with a dead spirit became corrupted in every way, unless the spirit that gives life to man is revived by the regenerating power of the Holy Spirit.

M: 4. 靈能得救, 而肉體卻永遠不能被救贖, 為什麼?

Critique: Again you are such a poor (F-grade) ex-student of the bible. Salvation is never only directed to the spirit. Salvation by Jesus Christ is holistic and absolutely perfect. He saves a sinner from the penalty of sin, the power of sin, and the presence of sin. Not only is our spirit that was dead before born again and revived, our present physical body becomes a temple of the holy spirit (our spirit and God's spirit are in ever increasing harmony), our future resurrected body will embody our spirit and live forever and ever. What on earth are you fussing about?

M: 5. 根本問題還是: 老耶造你, 分別造你的肉體和你的靈, 就象造亞當一樣, 然後合在一起? 你的原罪, 到底在哪裡?

Critique: So you are hopelessly confused with your own twisted mind. Re-read my critique above. You ask, foolishly, WHERE (as if a place) the original sin resides. Sin is a status of rebellion against God, it is the deadness of our spirit, that is, a status of our incommunicado with God). Sin is not a thing that requires to live in a corner. How foolish you are to ask that! It is always laughable to hear from unrepentant sinners who are dead in spirit to talk about God in a foolish way.

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