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送交者: oldfish 2024年01月17日20:56:32 于 [彩虹之约] 发送悄悄话
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回  答: 人成為神的經文 由 克利西亞 於 2024-01-17 07:28:09






亚他那修 《Contra Arianos》 2.21

70. But this would not have come to pass, had the Word been a creature; for with a creature, the devil, himself a creature, would have ever continued the battle, and man, being between the two, had been ever in peril of death, having none in whom and through whom he might be joined to God and delivered from all fear. Whence the truth shews us that the Word is not of things originate, but rather Himself their Framer. For therefore did He assume the body originate and human, that having renewed it as its Framer, He might deify it[1] (file:///C:/UDrive%20Backup/Four%20Orations/208%20Texts%20Explained;%20Sixthly,%20Proverbs%20viii.%2022,%20Continued.%20Our%20L in Himself, and thus might introduce us all into the kingdom of heaven after His likeness. For man had not been deified if joined to a creature, or unless the Son were very God; nor had man been brought into the Father’s presence, unless He had been His natural and true Word who had put on the body. And as we had not been delivered from sin and the curse, unless it had been by nature human flesh, which the Word put on (for we should have had nothing common with what was foreign), so also the man had not been deified, unless the Word who became flesh had been by nature from the Father and true and proper to Him. For therefore the union was of this kind, that He might unite what is man by nature to Him who is in the nature of the Godhead, and his salvation and deification might be sure. Therefore let those who deny that the Son is from the Father by nature and proper to His Essence, deny also that He took true human flesh[2] (file:///C:/UDrive%20Backup/Four%20Orations/208%20Texts%20Explained;%20Sixthly,%20Proverbs%20viii.%2022,%20Continued.%20Our%20Lord% of Mary Ever­Virgin[3] (file:///C:/UDrive%20Backup/Four%20Orations/208%20Texts%20Explained;%20Sixthly,%20Proverbs%20viii.%2022,%20Continued.%20Our%20Lord% for in neither case had it been of profit to us men, whether the Word were not true and naturally Son of God, or the flesh not true which He assumed. But surely He took true flesh, though Valentinus rave; yea the Word was by nature Very God, though Ario­maniacs rave[4] (file:///C:/UDrive%20Backup/Four%20Orations/208%20Texts%20Explained;%20Sixthly,%20Proverbs%20viii.%2022,%20Continued.%20Our%20Lord% and in that flesh has come to pass the beginning[5] (file:///C:/UDrive%20Backup/Four%20Orations/208%20Texts%20Explained;%20Sixthly,%20Proverbs%20viii.%2022,%20Continued.%20Our%20Lord% of our new creation, He being created man for our sake, and having made for us that new way, as has been said.


這個段落基本上跟上面《尼西亞定義護文》的意思是一樣的,但是有一點不同。《Contra Arianos》是亞他那修最為重要的駁斥亞流異端的作品,被公認是尼西亞正統神學的代表作品之一。亞他那修在這段話特別指出:如果基督如亞流所謂的『僅僅是一個被造』之物,那麼,基督就如同我們一樣的『需要救贖』。而,正因為救贖=神化,而只有神(God)能夠讓人成為許多的小神(gods)。所以,如果亞流派也承認基督徒能夠被神化,那麼就證明:1)基督是神;2)亞流派教義的自相矛盾和漏洞百出。再換句話說,亞他那修使用『神化』教義作為駁斥亞流和捍衛基督神性/神格的武器。




  聲明 - oldfish 01/17/24 (13)
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