xinmin:写给喻弟兄 |
送交者: xinmin 2010年06月22日09:01:07 于 [彩虹之约] 发送悄悄话 |
产难之苦 不是女人的特权 你正踏上闪烁的泪海 等候归渡的长鸣 你用每分钟一百四十次的心跳 和上气不接下气的兴奋 表达对彼岸的憧憬 曾经受苦的君王 将用钉痕依旧的双手 拥抱不带血的灵魂 弟兄你插队落户 在爱丽丝的仙境 *********************** Brother Yu is apparently fast approaching the twilight hour of his earthly life. It is difficult for his wife, parents, sister and those who love him to see him leaving so sudden at the prime of his life. His oxygen level is very low (60's, compared to >95 for a normal person). His family has decided against intubation for artificially prolonging his life. He is semi-conscious, not recognizing his baby daughter Angelina as his first and only child of a few weeks old when she was brought to the hospital for a visit. Please pray that in the final hours of dying brother Yu will glorify his Lord whom he has entrusted his life to. "To live is Christ and to die is gain." |
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