Ron Paul是唯一在众议院反对祝贺刘晓波的议员 |
送交者: 思齐 2010年12月10日15:37:34 于 [彩虹之约] 发送悄悄话 | Don't Meddle in China by Ron Paul Recently by Ron Paul: Focus on the Policy, Not WikiLeaks Before the US House of Representatives, December 7, 2010, on resolution congratulating Liu Xiaobob on Nobel Peace Prize Mr. Speaker, I rise in opposition to this resolution as I do not believe it is our place, as Members of the U.S. Congress, to dictate internal policy to the Chinese government. Obviously, as an advocate of minimal government and personal liberty, I do not support imprisoning individuals for their political views and believe that anyone held anywhere for merely holding unpopular views – including anyone held in the United States – should be released. I do object to the meddling in this bill which falsely advertises itself as a non-controversial expression of congratulations to a winner of the Nobel Peace Prize. As one who believes strongly in national sovereignty and is opposed to the idea of a world governmental authority, I particularly object to the sentiment expressed in this bill that "violations of human rights in general ... are matters of legitimate concern to other governments.'' This idea is the recipe for abominations such as the "humanitarian'' bombing of Serbia in 1999 and is used by those who wish to maintain the current disastrous occupation of Afghanistan. As we can see from interventions such as the U.S. attack on Iraq, which was at least partly sold as a humanitarian-inspired overthrow of a dictator, sometimes the "cure'' is worse than the disease particularly when one calculates the number dead from the intervention and the number actually killed by the regime being replaced. I find it ironic that, at a time when the U.S. government is desperately attempting to censor the publication of sensitive leaked information that it considers embarrassing and is demonizing and calling for the prosecution or worse of the publisher of that information, Julian Assange, this resolution "calls on the Government of China to cease censoring media and Internet reporting of the award of the Nobel Peace Prize to Liu Xiaobo and to cease its campaign of defamation against Liu Xiaobo.'' In the interest of a non-interventionist U.S. foreign policy I must therefore oppose this resolution and will continue to oppose any meddling in the domestic affairs of foreign countries. December 10, 2010 Dr. Ron Paul is a Republican member of Congress from Texas. -------------- Dr. Ron Paul 讲的中肯之至,刘晓波是中国人(虽然他说他耻于做中国人),在中国的土地上做颠覆中国政府的事,他就是触犯了中国的法律,是非法的。阿桑奇不是美国人,也没在美国犯案,他的WikiLeaks至今也没伤害任何人,只不过是揭露了真相而以,那么美国的法律就管不着他,他们就不是非法的。如同,已经入了美国国籍的新民若要揭露中国的真相/秘密,或在美国(不是在中国)从事颠覆中国政府的事,那么他也不是非法的,中国政府奈他不何。 美国一边要迫害阿桑奇,一边追捧刘晓波,实在是双重标准得离谱。 |
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