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You are a sinner! Repent!
送交者: 步知道 2011年02月28日13:14:00 于 [彩虹之约] 发送悄悄话

Now not many preachers will preach something like : "You are a sinner, repent as the Kingdom of heaven is near. "  may be it is due to the worry that the public might just respond as : "how dare you say that, aren't you are sinner too ( eventhough you are a preacher)",  hence you better say something the public may like to listen?

When you tell the truth straight from the Bible, you are risking as been marked as a Christian fundamentalist, and hence you are not "user friendly" or been legalistic.. (don't need to talk about countering Islam fundamentalist too)

God has made us plain, it is we who make ourself complicated.  
However, when we talk too much using human sense and logic, we are risking falling into the trap of "the serpent's questioning" either :  "Did God really say, `You must not eat from any tree in the garden'?"  and then with the ultimate "convicing" statement: 
  "You will not surely die," the serpent said to the woman.  (Genesis 3).  

Perhaps the serpent was then still living happily (freely) in the garden of Eden and no longer governed by man (as Adam and Eve had been chased out from the garden, whereby they were suppose to rule over all the creatures), the serpent only need to crawl on its belly and eat some dust on the floor...

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