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牙硌, a few words for you
送交者: msc 2011年07月05日11:16:39 于 [彩虹之约] 发送悄悄话

You know what kind of person you are dealing with: not as bad as we thought and not as good as you imagine.

Once a while in our life, we made mistake and paid price. It is true for you, it is true for her and also for all of us.

You might have right to cry out, you have reason to be angry. However, you should live out of the shadow and begin your new life. $10,000 is well paid for this life lesson (If you truely learnt something).

If you like to continue the fight, stop the way you are in: Reveal your true identity and tell the true story. Do not attack from your den.

What I suggest you is to get over this matters and start a fresh life. Loose your grip on this case and let her go.


Be a Man!

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