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Social issue vs Holy issue
送交者: HelloFromMiao 2012年10月22日09:37:34 於 [彩虹之約] 發送悄悄話

social issue vs holy issue.

I keep saying

1. holy issue, no doubt, is crystal clear

(all sexual activities within marriage between

husband-man and wife-woman for a life-long time,

many many many saints (God's chosen ones) has been doing so

since the creation,  even many many many gentiles has been doing so

under God's general grace

2. social issue, make practical regulation to forbid any persecutions

(majority to minority or minority to majority) and protect

everybody's rights

Speaking of “天生性取向”,

we have to distinguish identification first

1. social-identification------based on appearance of organs

2. geno-identification------based on genes-XX or XY

3. self-identification--------based on self feeling, choosing role and proclaimation.

As 'GAOLIAN' realized, many folks' self-identification is different from

social-identification or geno-identification, the argue started from


Theoretically speaking, “天生同性性取向” means 

although people's 3 identifications overlapped

(1. social-identification=

2. geno-identification=

3. self-identification), their “性取向” by birth is still towards 同性.

No easy solution.

“天生性取向” is neutral to any individual, like your appearance

(tall or short, pretty or average etc. ) or your allergy,

how to react with our free-will is no longer neutral.

blaming God for what He gave is never neutral,

using what God assigned to do bad things is never neutral,

having sexual activities outside marriage is never neutral.

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