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On white horse prophecy
送交者: mean 2012年11月01日10:11:29 于 [彩虹之约] 发送悄悄话

Yesterday someone told me that Mitt Romney, if winning the presidency office, would fulfill a prophecy made by a certain Mormon prophet, that one day a Mormon would rise to lead and save America.

I was quite fascinated, so I searched and found the so-called "The White Horse Prophecy", allegedly a statement made by Joseph Smith Jr himself, who used the concept of the "White Horse" in the Books of Revelation, and predicted that one day the US constitution will one day "hang like a thread" but will be saved "by the efforts of the White Horse". This has variously been speculated to mean that Mormons would one day make US into a theocracy, or at least, Mormons will one day save the imperiled US Constitution. Mitt Romney's father, George Romney, once alluded to this when he was a presidential hopeful. Now with the polarization of America, this prophecy once again was brought to surface. Glen Beck, a popular conservative radio host and a Mormon, repeated talked about how the US constitution "hangs by a thread" under Obama. The hope is that Mitt Romney would fulfill the prophecy and save America.

The official position of the LDS church however, says that this is "not official [LDS] church doctrine", but rather a matter of speculation. Likewise the same thing was confirmed by Mitt Romney himself, who talked about this as merely a matter of speculation and discussion.

Anyway, an interesting factoid you can use at your cocktail party. :)

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