Dispensationalism and Covenent |
送交者: oldfish 2013年09月27日20:06:59 于 [彩虹之约] 发送悄悄话 |
Dispensationalism and
Covenent Theology
时代论与 约神学
尼提宁 译
I. Introduction: 介言
In analyzing the
theological systems that predominate today, it is important that we remain as objective
as possible. We do not want to misrepresent what others believe. We do not want
to engage in ballistic brick-throwing and unloving polemics against Christian peoples
who hold differing theological opinions.
Never do we want to
"write someone off" and deny that they are our Christian brother or sister
because they organize their "belief-system" differently that we do,
provided they profess that Jesus is the Christ and have received Him by faith.
Christian unity is not uniformity of thought or ideology. We seek a unity of
love despite diversity of opinion, understanding, interpretation or theological
explanation. Our unity is in Christ, not in theological constructions.
我们也从未想要仅仅因为与我们不同的“信仰系统(belief-system)”,而“一笔勾销”某人是我们的基督徒弟兄或姐妹,更遑论他们也承认耶稣是基督,并在信中领受了 。基督徒的合一不是思想,或意识,或释经,或神学诠释上的统一。我们的合一乃是在基督耶稣里面,而不是在神学的架腹里面。
Covenant theology
and Dispensational theology often view themselves as opponents at opposite
extremes of the theological spectrum, shooting arrows across a great
theological chasm. There is indeed a great diversity of opinion, as we have
tried to delineate, but from another perspective they are both camped in the
same ditch.
theology begins its application of presuppositions in Genesis 12-17 with the
expectation of a literal and physical fulfillment of an unconditional covenant
with Abraham. Covenant theology also focuses the application of its
presuppositions on the "everlasting covenant" of God with Abraham in
Genesis 17. Isn't it interesting that both theologies seem to commence with
epistemological premises about the fulfillment of promises to Abraham? Should
not our theology commence with divine activity prior to Abraham? 时代论的神学乃是基于对于创世纪12-17章的假设,以字面与物质的意义期盼神与亚伯拉罕立的约能够无条件的应验。 约神学也着重于创世纪17章中,神与亚伯拉罕立定的“永约”的应用。这两个神学系统都着手于从知识论的前提上,处理亚伯拉罕之约的应验,这样的事实是否显得非常有意思呢?难道我们的神学不该着手于神在亚伯拉罕之前的行动?
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