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The Trial by Franz Kafka
送交者: jingchen 2021年04月25日06:08:39 于 [恋恋风尘] 发送悄悄话

The Trial by Franz Kafka


The Trial was written about one hundred years ago.  It gave a very truthful description on how the society functions. The following passage is very illuminating:


Almost every defendant, even the most simple minded people, started thinking up suggestions for improvements the moment they became involved in the trial, and often wasted time and energy on it which could have been put to better use. The only proper approach was to accept things as they were. Even if it were possible to improve specific details — which, however, was an absurd superstition — one would at best have achieved something for future cases, while in the process damaging oneself immeasurably by attracting the attention of the vengeful officials. Just don’t attract attention, stay calm, however much it went against the grain. Try to understand that this vast judicial organism remained in the state of total equilibrium. If, of your own volition, you changed something at the place you occupied, you would be cutting the ground from under your own feet and might well fall, whilst the vast organism could easily compensate for the minor disruption at some other part and remained unchanged, assuming it did not, as was in fact likely, become more self-enclosed, more vigilant, more severe, more malicious. (P 86)   (-7:45 to -6:20 minute, Chapter 4 on audiobook)


All our personal tragedy comes from our attempt to improve the society. All our personal success comes from our accepting things as they are and exploiting the system to our own advantage.



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