男女一段戀愛對白(英文)---很搞笑的,誰能英譯中? |
送交者: GEORGES3000 2013年12月29日08:19:04 於 [戀戀風塵] 發送悄悄話 |
男女一段戀愛對白(英文)----GEORGES 2013.12.29 很搞笑的,誰能譯成中文?大家都動動腦啊! 大家可以將其譯成各種中文版本!貼上來,一塊給元旦助助興! 例如,白話版,各種方言版,詩經本,楚辭版, 元曲版,律詩五絕與七絕版,象聲版,山東快書板等等......
(You tell me that you love me, but) when I write to you, you ignore me.
(You tell me that you love me, but) when my mind is all about you, you look happy.
(You tell me that you love me, but) when I miss you in my dreams, you are not there.
(You tell me that you love me, but) when I’m leaving you, you come late to me.
女的對白: (You tell me that you love me, but) When I write to you, you are enchanting other girls at ease. (You tell me that you love me, but) When I miss you, you are an ascetic in deed.
(You tell me that you love me, but) When I fancy you at night, you are nowhere to be.
(You tell me that you love me, but) When I leave you, you put the blame on me.
GEORGES 2013.12.29 |
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