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Response to Tax "Evidence"
送交者: 王利民 2022年05月29日11:52:24 于 [恋恋风尘] 发送悄悄话

Response to NYS Department of Taxation and Finance for "Evidence" --- My Daughter Alexandria Wang Being Seduced and Abducted by Humanscums of the American Evil System

Limin Wang
136-09 59th Ave, 1st Fl
Flushing, NY 11355
May 28, 2022

NYS Department of Taxation and Finance
OPTS Individual Account Resolution
P.O. Box 15311, Albany NY 12212-5311

Re: DLN: PF2200439179, Your Request for copies of my children’s Social Security cards, birth certificates, and proof of residence

New York State Department of Taxation and Finance,

I got your one-sheet double-sided notice of request for more information dated 5/12/2022 and received as a regular mail WITHOUT a postal mark on 05/14/2022. The notice states in a general and repetitive way, “we need to verify information reported on your return. Your return included a claim for dependent exemptions, but some of the required information was missing.” and, “We need to verify information reported on your return. Your return included a claim for a dependent credit or exemption, but some of the required information was missing.” Then, the sheet asks Li Li and me the joint filers to 1. Fill in the table of the name, Social Security Number or ITIN, and Date of Birth for each claimed dependent; 2. “Please provide the following to support your eligibility to claim credits or exemptions for each dependent listed on your return:
A copy of the Social Security card or proof of taxpayer identification number,
A copy of the birth certificate, and
Proof that the dependent lived with you for at least six months of the tax year. Proof of the dependent’s residency can be a copy of a court order or legal document which identifies the terms of any physical custody agreement, or it can be a letter on official letterhead from the dependent’s physician or school.”
Then the letter states, “What happens after you send in the required information? We will attach the information you provide to the return you already submitted, then we will continue processing your return. There may still be other changes to your return. If we need additional information to continue processing your return, would you like us to contact you by phone? If so, please include a daytime phone number: Daytime phone number _______________ Taxpayer name _______________”, and “What happens if you do not send all the information we need by June 1, 2022? We will process your return without this information. That may reduce your refund or increase the amount of tax you owe.” 

Such a letter, received exactly one month after I mailed the tax return as a certified mail on April 14, 2022, gives a mix of sensations. 1), the mail has NO postal mark, in my understanding. 2), although your letter’s bottom left corner shows it’s an official FORM DTF-948-O, I could not find any exemplary file online. 3), the suspicion also comes from the NOBODY at this government agency is named as a contact or responsible person at all. 4), NO specific claiming at all about WHICH DEPENDENT’s information was missing on the filed return. 5), the response mail’s delivery address, “NYS Tax Department, OPTS Individual Account Resolution, P. O. Box 15311, Albany, NY 12212-5311” does NOT match your sending address on your envelope, “State of New York, Department of Taxation and Finance, W A Harriman Campus, Albany NY 12227”, and the search of the former address does NOT match any hit from tax.ny.gov. 6), As an emigrant from China, I have been living in New York, with my wife Li Li and the two daughters, Rosila and Alexandria Wang, born in the U.S.A. and currently 20- and 18-yr-young, respectively, for more than two decades. Our decades of NYS tax returns have always listed these two biological children since their birth, but this is the FIRST TIME EVER Li Li and I got this kind of “Request For Evidence” letter. 7), your deadline of response set onto June 1, 2022 is insinuating extreme hatred toward this family which have been experiencing TREMENDOUS PAIN AND HARM from the serious matter of our almost-18-yr-old daughter Alexandria Wang having been seduced and de facto abducted by the HUMANSCUMS of the New York Evil System, including those from NYC “Administration for Children’s Services”, into FORCED “psychiatric evaluation and treatment” and SECRET “foster care”, since June 1 is International Children’s Day as well as Global Day of Parents. 8), the short response time allowed and the threats of moving on without your requested material or of requesting FURTHER info for the processing invoke my dissent. 9), I am seriously afraid that this is a SCAM mail, and if it’s not a SCAM mail, the photocopies of SS cards and Birth Certificates would be taken by the CORRUPT government agency for OTHER purposes such as to put them into the “foster care’s” (tax return) filings. All in all, I would surely interpret this kind of letter is another PREMEDITATED, COORDINATED, WANTON, AND EVIL act of the New York Evil System’s HUMANSCUMS’ onto this trauma-stricken family.

We the parents of course always take OUR CHILDREN as OUR FAMILY MEMBERS. AS USUAL, we filed the year-2021 tax return ourselves, and requested Earned Income Credit and College Tuition Credit via the REQUIRED FORMS IT-215 and IT-272, along with the IT-201 Resident Income Tax Return, and according to the FORMS’ INSTRUCTIONS. The two daughters’ Social Security Numbers and Dates of Birth, as well as my day-time phone number and email address have been PROVIDED at all the REQUIRED BOXES on those tax return forms, and the information of Alexandria Wang was living with us the biological parents for 9 months in year 2021 had been CLEARLY PROVIDED on IT-215, and this family’s various serious sufferings from the HUMANSCUMS OF THE AMERICAN EVIL SYSTEM (AES) had been handwritten with the specifics, including the CASES #, on a cover page. The two daughters’ (FULL-DIGITS) SSN’s and residence address are shown clearly on EACH’s TWO DIFFERENT W-2’s (the original W-2’s), with ONLY Rosila’s W-2 from her on-campus part-time job showing the abbreviated, last-4-digits SSN. Also, the 1098-T report from Rosila’s University shows her home address and her last-4-digits SSN. Their home address is THE SAME as their parents’ here. The three balance sheets from Rosila’s attended SBU for Spring and Fall semesters as well as Summer time show Rosila’s full-year attendance in college. It’s SO OUTRAGEOUSLY OFFENSIVE that you, a NOBODY with NO NAME shown, in a REAL TOTALITARIAN way by the name of a State’s Department, INTENTIONALLY and MALICIOUSLY adds insult to injury onto this MISERABLE family by “requesting” copies of SSN and Birth Certificate and Proof of Children’s Residence, from the REAL PARENTS, within a short amount of time and with the OTHERWISES.

Since the past and ongoing traumas have been evoked by this letter from “NYS Department of Taxation and Finance”, I am re-presenting, to you here, the evidence about my daughters’ residence in year 2021. No frivolity is ever expected, and no cruelty is appreciated, from a GOVERNMENT (AGENCY).
In March 2021, I was requesting a NYS Benefit ID Card for Alexandria Wang, because the Trump administration flooded down COVID-19 packages and the NYS government trickled a bit down as food money to the Bronx High School of Science student AW “remote-learning” at HOME for SO LONG SINCE March 2020 TILL SEPTEMBER 2021. But that NYS government OTDA agency tauntingly denied issuing any card to AW about this. Meanwhile, my landlord Mr. Maurice Shiau on March 23, 2021 suddenly brought his attorney along to this apartment for EVICTION (Case: LT-304213-21/QU). I had stopped paying him the rent since December 2020 because he did NOT address many of the rental issues, and because the AES HUMANSCUMS have severely injured me through their numerous ATTEMPTED-MURDERS at my slavery workplace (B.Q. Wide Auto Body Parts Supply, Inc at 109-35 178th St, Jamaica, NY 11433) and then at medical clinics New York Medical & Diagnostic Center (80-46 Kew Gardens Rd, Kew Gardens, NY 11415) and New York City Medical & Neurological Offices PC (91-31 Queens Blvd, Suite 601, Elmhurst, NY 11373) authorized by NYS Workers’ Compensation Board and referred to by my then “representative” WC-specialty law firm Bangel, Cohen & Falconetti, LLP (91-31 Queens Blvd, Suite 400, Elmhurst, NY 11373). THE WHOLE SYSTEM, including the employer and the Workers’ Comp Insurance, SO OPENLY EVIL TOWARD ME, had NEVER medically diagnosed and treated me really, but had PROFESSIONALLY INTENTIONALLY further harmed and murder-attempted me, and had completely stopped any compensation. On Aug. 31, 2020, I tried to seek a police report from NYPD Precinct 109 about my injuries, but many thugs as police there taunted, denied, personal cellphone video-taped me and accused me of “TRESPASSING” while I was talking with them in FRONT of the Precinct 109 building. NO any governmental agency, NO any medical clinic, NO any private-business law firm, would EVER really take on the matter or consider my own presentation, despite my LONG AND NUMEROUS TRY AFTER TRY!

What exacerbates the family’s dire situation is Li Li, my “wife”, the children’s biological mother, had deserted me and the children twice in year 2014 and returned home in August 2015 as an almost DAILY PSYCHIATRIC OR PSYCHOPATHIC person who sometimes goes multiple episodes of SPORADIC, UNPROVOKED, SPONTANEOUS PSYCHOSES a day! Also, Li Li started to show many NEW AND STUBBORN AND SICKENING behaviors after her return. I had called 911 and reported to NYC police immediately after I knew each of her desertions. The police, specifically NYPD Precinct 109, asserted 1) Li Li is a FREE adult to go anywhere on her own; 2) they could not find Li Li; 3) they VICIOUSLY interrogated me as a suspect of Li Li having been murdered! And, the Precinct 109 HUMANSCUMS as UNIFORMED COPS gave me a pink copy of “police report” taking me as a disturber/suspect to a residence when I went to the blocks-away rental place (140-50 Ash Ave, Apt. 4J, Flushing, NY 11355) of ChunLing Li and Yao Liu, Li Li’s biological elder sister and niece, FOR THE MISSING LI LI. Precinct 109 took my driver license away during their interrogation, and returned it weeks later in a regular mail after I found out they had not returned my driver license. Meanwhile, Li Li was able to close the joint bank accounts at Citibank and funnel all the money there to her own new accounts still at Citibank. Li Li was then, still without any work, renting in a SHARED basement somewhere UNKNOWN to me. Li Li visited the kids during her twice desertions, but the kids told me they did NOT know Li Li’s whereabout until the end of July 2015. The NYC Police NEVER gave me any other “police report” about anything of my numerous 911 calls over the decade, and a black young woman voice at Precinct 109 teasingly answered my call in August 2021 that there was NO WHATSOEVER “police record” about my name, my phone number, or my residence address. Since Li Li’s return home on August 02, 2015, Li Li has NOT worked any time, or earned any money, or functioned as a normal wife, or MOSTLY OUTRAGEOUS it is, as a mother QUIET or communicating-normally to our own daughters who had been growing up physically and academically relatively well. Since Li Li was NOT behaving like this in the early years of marriage and family-with-children life, and since Li Li still often behaves SO DOCILE to OUTSIDERS, even SO WILLINGLY HELPFUL TO STRANGERS or this family’s apparent enemies, I generally believe that Li Li had been DRUGGED AND COACHED by the AES HUMANSCUMS during her desertions to INTENTIONALLY act this way for the AES to TORTURE AND RUIN THE CHILDREN AND ME, and to PERSECUTE ME via the AES’s later fabricated prosecutions. Thus, I am often SO OUTRAGED when Li Li starts her “psychopathic” episodes. After I was murder-attempted from the fall off a METICULOUSLY ASSEMBLED FAULTY 8-ft Louisville aluminum stepladder (its right-side metallic bracelet’s rivet was disconnected from the right front rail’s hole, while both the rivet on that bracelet and the whole on the right front rail were INTEGRAL. The rivet is not a screw.) at B.Q. Wide on January 16, 2018 and then stayed home, I witnessed 1) Rosila would rarely move to calm down Li Li or to reason with Li Li, even upon my urging on Rosila because I think Li Li would behave normally in front of Rosila, and 2) Alexandria would not always get irritated by the “psychotic” Li Li or arguing parents until later she had to face the family turmoil without Rosila physically by her side. I had called 911 or NYC WELL so many times, but police came here in the early rounds either to tell go for a divorce or to MURDER ME by their SCHEME of claiming whatever excuse they created, and NYC WELL claimed I could NOT be understood after tens of minutes of a phone-talking.

When Rosila moved to a SUNY college in Fall of 2019, Alexandria could not have her elder sister physically near her, and thus Alexandria suffered MORE from Li Li’s “PSYCHOSES”. And when the GREEDY OR LAZY COWARDS as “public servants” or “medical professionals” claimed the NECESSITY of lock-down due to the COVID-19 “pandemic” since March 2020, the children stayed home for “remote learning”. The COVID-19 “pandemic” is generally a hoax because I have not witnessed from anywhere any of those AES HUMANSCUMS have been wiped a bit away by COVID-19. So, when the option of going back to on-campus learning was available for Rosila since August of 2020, I urged Rosila to go back to SBU and thus to avoid Li Li’s “psychoses” or family arguments. Meanwhile, I urged Alexandria to ask for an in-school study option in Bronx High School of Science’s BOGUS SURVEY about COVID-19, but Alexandria reasoned it would take so many hours every school-day travelling by MTA. During this stage of “remote learning” without Rosila at home, Alexandria would angrily and occasionally physically respond to Li Li’s “psychotic” episodes, and sometimes, vent her anger onto the meanwhile angry me, mostly all originally due to Li Li’s “PSYCHOSES”. The GREEDY YET LAZY TRASH as “teachers” or “staff” at BHSS would not REALLY shoulder any TEACHING or RIGHT-ROLE-MODELING, and Alexandria was rejecting my offer of tutoring, and Alexandria was sometimes mad at teacher Lee’s GRADING on CLASSNOTES, and Alexandria scored a miserable 3 on AP Exams Physics I and Calculus BC. The in-school learning was eventually resumed until the middle of September 2021, only due to the parents’ frustration and the leaving Mayor’s decision. Rosila came back to home sometimes, for short or long stays, as a NORMAL COLLEGE STUDENT to her family and home, UNTIL the HUMANSCUMS from BHSS and New York City “Administration for Children’s Services” started to throw their PREMEDITATED AND COORDINATED FABRICATION of “CHILD NEGLECT” case onto the parents noticed since Sept. 20, 2021, the day right before Sept. 21, 2021, a VERY IMPORTANT FAMILY DAY and a SIGNIFICANT CHINESE CULTURE DAY! Humanscums as “social workers” started to haunt the residential building’s front since the DARK night of Sept. 20, 2021. I think Sept. 21, 2021 was the first ever time Alexandria coldly answered me that she was talking to her “guidance counselor” (Darby McHugh) at BHSS, and then school “social worker” (Danielle Heckman-Perez) brought NYC ACS in play, and that THEY HAD ALREADY ARRANGED THEIR DE FACTO ABDUCTION OF ALEXANDRIA WANG INTO A “FOSTER CARE”. I was so shocked and outraged, mostly by the HUMANSCUMS at BHSS doing AGAIN such a “child neglect”! 

On Sept. 22, 2021, a Negro young man and a Negro young woman, claiming to come from NYC WELL, a PSYCHIATRIC program in NYC, to my residence, needed to talk to me and Li Li. While video-recording my minutes-long talking to them in the building’s front, I told them I needed to handle the EVICTION hearing scheduled on Sept. 24, 2021, so they could come back after 09/24/2021 about their so-called short-term help from their agency. Instead, an hour or two later, they revealed their so-called long-term solution from their referred agency --- bringing NYC cops over by claiming me “mental ill”! The swarms of MURDEROUS THUGS as Uniformed Police claimed they needed to see me without saying why; They easily breached the FAULTY iron gate DELIBRATELY SET UP by the AES (including the landlord and his accomplices) way early and threatened to break down my apartment door. I then went to the backyard and shouted as loud as possible to tell anyone who wanted to hear WHAT THE AMERICAN EVIL SYSTEM HAS DONE TO THIS FAMILY and to invite anyone to come over and witness! When I walked to the front, with my arms holding up for a moment and then staying obviously away from my trunk, a Chinese-looking mid-aged male cop initiated his touch on my left hand and my left shoulder. I did not respond physically to him, and then he quickly stopped touching or apprehending. The short seconds of “evaluation” from a white-uniformed officer concluded that I was mentally normal and thus they quickly left. While all this DRAMATIC DANGER was happening, the PSYCHIATRIC HUMANSCUM Li Li sat on the bed as her PSYCHIATRIC NEW NORM since her return in 2015, as if NOTHING WERE RELATED WITH HER! From Alexandria’s answers to the cops on the night of Sept. 24-25, 2021, the HUMANSCUMS have NEVER even mentioned to Alexandria about the REAL LIFE-THREATENING DANGER they had brought to her father; instead, they only CRAPPED about how “bad” or “mad” the father responded.

On Sept. 24, 2021, Friday, Alexandria did NOT come back home until ~11:15 PM late at night. Alexandria’s occasional replies that day claimed she was called by her summer-time-job employer World Ice Arena to fill in a coworker’s sudden absence for work, and she claimed she then directly came back home by bus and walk. At home, she STARTED to eat her DINNER. I opined that she had made WRONG decisions and moves while she started her high-school senior year which is CRITICAL to her college application and future. Also because I sensed that some SCHEMES had been carried out by the AES HUMANSCUMS at World Ice Arena to TRAP, FRAME, SEDUCE, HUMILIATE, INSULT, BLACKMAIL, and MISLEAD Alexandria, a part-time SYEP trainee and then as a temporary worker starting only in 2021 summer, I strongly urged Alexandria to WORK very little or to even QUIT her job during her HS senior year. Alexandria responded with her NEWLY-DEVELOPED stubbornness, nastiness and hostility toward me the CARING AND SUPPORTING FATHER, by cold-bloodedly restating that her desertion away from home to a basement of a unspecified new friend (a young man of similar age) she met at her work at World Ice Arena had been all arranged BY THE SYSTEM; she now could make more money than me; she will keep her job because she needs money; my doctoral degree is useless; all my injuries (physical, physiological, and psychological) are only my thinking, etc. SOME OF HER THEN TALK SOUNDED PRETTY MUCH LIKE WHAT THE AES HUMANSCUMS HAVE SAID IN FORMAL WRITTEN OR ANONMYNOUS ONLINE FORM. I then got outraged and wanted her to repeat for me to record the argument. Then, Alexandria again showed her WRONG understanding and practice of the MURKY CONCEPT AND WRONG CATEGORIZING of “PRIVACY”. She refused to repeat, and I then said if you really want to follow the AES HUMANSCUMS to desert at your CRITICAL year you leave now. She, just like the AES HUMANSCUMS, SELECTIVELY picked my such an OPINION as the EXCUSE for her own WRONG move. She then really acted to pack (NOTHING EXTRA) her school backpack and really wanted to leave, and really went toward the outside. Because she had acted VERY EXTREME for a stayover to her “friend”(actually a SIGNIFICANT INTENTIONAL EVIL SOURCE to Alexandria’s WRONG belief and behavior such as ALL OTHER KIDS ARE LIVING WITH HAPPY FAMILIES WITH BIG HOUSES, AND THUS ALEXANDRIA SHOULD NOT LIVE TOGETHER WITH HER LOSER PARENTS) Rita’s house (142-02 Negundo Ave, Flushing, NY 11355) on December 17, 2020, and also because Li Li deserted secretly twice in 2014 and returned home as a “PSYCHOPATH” in 2015 while the AES HUMANSCUMS including cops did NOTHING BUT FURTHER HARM to me and the family, I called 911 and then followed Alexandria to the front yard and asked her to wait for the police so that the American Evil System will have a “RECORD” of at least knowing my 17-and-a-half-yrs-young daughter Alexandria Wang wanted to desert. Alexandria agreed and then stayed so LONG in the front yard, for the HUMANSCUMS POLICE, with her mother Li Li soon physically near her but affection remote to her.

I had never expected such a shock from my own daughter. During her first-ever work, Alexandria had been sharing with me what happened at work, such as bottled soda at the office was stolen and security camera found it’s a Jewish boy did it; a swarm of Jewish kids messed up the public restroom; the management team had assigned the RESTROOM CLEANING as part of ALEXANDRIA’S WORK; a toddler on the ice annoyed her by keeping calling her a “JANITOR”, etc. It’s during these a couple of months of her “training” and “employment” at World Ice Arena that Alexandria had changed dramatically. One night, I walked there, through sections of remoteness, filth, and danger, as usual to pick her up, Alexandria came out so eerily quiet, with a smoldering anger. I was just trying to talk with her, probably about some TV news, and after a while of quietness, Alexandria burst with HYSTERICAL MADNESS toward ME, seemingly just because she held a different view. She would not be bothered on my reasoning that if she disagrees on something casual with somebody she does NOT need EXTREME emotion.  She kept silently walking tens of feet ahead or away from me, but her behavioral language was so disturbing to me. Several nights around that time, there were one or two uniformed male cops SIMPLY STANDING underneath the I-678 overpass, opposite to the Home Depot corner, at a spot we must go by, SEEMINGLY FOR NOTHING BUT INIMIDATION TO ME! Days later, Alexandria claimed she could walk together with some peer coworkers to a bus stop in downtown Flushing and then come home on her own, and I accepted. In the EARLIER days of her this first-ever work, Alexandria even brought me a few water bottles from World Ice Arena. ONCE, she came home in daytime with a few beer glass-bottles clutched on both hands. She found them on the way back home from her shift, but the packing cardboard was soaked by rain to no use. I had started to pick up bottles since early summer 2021, and I deeply appreciate that my daughter did NOT feel ASHAMED of it like the HUMANSCUM Li Li does. I told Alexandria that she needs to be SURE the water bottles she collects for ME have been meant by their owners to throw, and she should NOT hold beer glass-bottles like that because she could get HURT.

While I was calling 911 the first round at ~11:51 PM, Sept. 24, 2021, a male voice answered my call. His voice and content clearly showed his EVIL INTENTION. I clearly said my address but he repeated it as somewhere ELSE; I clearly said the matter was my 17-and-a-half-yrs-young daughter, a minor, wanted to desert but he repeated it’s a dispute between me and my wife! Since Li Li this time was NOT involved in the argument, I then immediately told Li Li to go outside to the front yard. Li Li RELUCTANTLY did, but apparently, she did NOT act as a NORMAL BIOLOGICAL MOTHER to persuade the daughter to calm down and go back inside! About ~00:05 AM, Sept. 25, 2021, I called 911 the second round, because no police arrived yet. And around that time, I went to the front yard again, and PROBABLY told Alexandria herself to call 911 too. My heart wants my daughter to come back inside home then, but my fear was if I was the one to say it she would just stubbornly say no. I did have a tiny bit of “American Dream” that the cops might DISSUADE my daughter from DESERTION. However, the “American Dream” factually turned out to be another “American Nightmare”: the HUMANSCUMS of the American Evil System had meticulously PLOTTED and PERSUADED and PERSECUTED my young Chinese daughter Alexandria Wang onto a Children/Women Trafficking path LEGALIZED AND RUN by the AES for PROSTITUTION and “MEDICAL UTILITY”.
On March 08, 2022, NYC ACS’s attorney, “Ms. Rachel Radomski” somehow INDIRECTLY got my email address and sent an email on March08, 2022 which has a weblink beginning with https://nyco365-my.sharepoint.com/ for me to access three files: 1) a three-page pdf file, the first page as her Subpoena Duces Decum dated January 3, 2022 to New York City Police Department, with a paragraph, exact quote, “PLEASE PROVIDE CERTIFIED AND DELEGATED COPIES OF ANY AND ALL RECORDS INCLUDING THE DOMESTIC VIOLENCE REPORTS, DD5s, ARREST WARRANT, MEMO BOOK, BOOK ENTRIES, REPORT, THE 911 TAPES, PHOTOGRAPHS, BODY CAM VIDEO, AND ANY INCIDENT REPORTS for 9/27/2021 with respect to the following individual(s):” me, Li Li, and Alexandria Wang, and the next two pages the NYPD’s certification and delegation; 2) two cops’ body camera videos. According to the NYPD’s certification, the NYPD seemed to have only provided the two body camera videos from the two cops, named as “SGT VALENTINO, JOHN (924577)” and “POM CHRISTEL, THOMAS (969586)”, who arrived at ~00:37 AM, Sept. 25, 2021. How cynical it is for an NYC ACS governmental “attorney” “Ms. Rachel Radomski” to writingly claim of her “full and complete” knowledge of this “child neglect case” NN-09918-21 while even the DATE OF EVENT is WRONGLY stated in a preposterous “legal” document! The event happens on the night of Sept. 24 - 25, 2021! 

The two cops’ body camera videos certainly have been EDITED by the cops already. Additionally, the videos did NOT cover the whole proceeding at this address that night! Anyway, the two videos should be viewable and SERIOUSLY EXAMINED from my Facebook account:

The two cops seemed to have turned their body cameras off soon after they had coerced Alexandria Wang onto the ambulance coming far away from North Shore University Hospital, Northwell Health, instead of from the three-blocks-away New York Presbyterian --- Queens. The cops were to carry out the AES murder onto me that night at various time points, including the time point they believed I the father would go to the ambulance to urge my daughter to come off. Near the ending seconds of Christel’s body cam video, IT CLEARLY SHOWED THAT THE MUSTACHED JOHN VALENTIO HAD BEEN METICULOUSLY USING A PINK STRIP TO INTENTIONALLY BLOCK HIS OWN BODY CAMERA’S VIEW PARTIALLY BUT SEVERELY, AND A BLUE SURGICAL MASK TO INTENTIONALLY BLOCK HIS BADGE ID NUMBER COMPLETELY. IN THE WHOLE PROCEEDING, HE NEVER USED HIS MASK TO MASK HIS FACE UP DUE TO THE COVID-19 “PANDEMIC”. In the range of 5 or 6 AM of Sept. 25, 2021, I, the only one left at home, got a missed phone call from a “Private number” or “unknown number” which in my experiences usually means a call from NYC’s “Law Enforcement” such as cops or DA’s. No voice message was left. I later figured that as ANOTHER attempt of the cops to create a chance to murder me. Months later, I was about to put all my phone communication activities onto my own record, my cellphone’s call history got a TOTAL DISAPPEARANCE OF ALL CALLS RIGHT BEFORE Sept. 25, 2021. The “call history” from my phone service provider Lycamobile has been HEAVILY MANIPULATED by AES HUMANSCUMS too, and so NO record showed there of my 911 calls on that night of Sept. 24 - 25, 2021.

The two cops were both white males in uniform, both wearing eyeglasses, one middle-aged with facial mustache as the commander and the other younger as the subordinate, came with a marked NYPD van numbered 3977. Precinct 109 (37-05 Union St., Flushing, NY 11354) is only a few blocks away, but the police arrived ~45 minutes later after my first 911 call that mid-night. From MANY ASPECTS AND LONG COURSE of EVIDENCE, the AES HUMANSCUMS were believed to be PLOTTING during this time span to professionally SEDUCE and then de facto ABDUCT Alexandria Wang, and to seduce Li Li to desert again, and to fool me, and then to fabricate “charges” onto me, and even to murder me again instantly. There was absolutely NO fighting or irreparable relationship between the parents and the child. But those two cops deliberately separated the almost-18-yr-old young daughter away from the mid-aged parents, so cops could spread their PROFESSIONAL VICIOUS LIES as parents’ words and BRAINWASH my young daughter alternatively with freedom, capability, friendship, resources, limitation, poverty, privacy, irreparability, desperation, insinuation, etc. After the MUSTACHED HUMANSCUM, identified by NYPD as Sergeant John Valentino (924577), the MASTERMIND in this CRIME against my family, failed to get what he would expect from his “guidance” of Alexandria to write herself on the “police report”, he resorted to another SCHEME by misleading Alexandria to bite on HIS OWN FABRICATED “suicidal thoughts” and “suicidal behavior” to reach HER “goal” of leaving the parents.

The YOUNG Alexandria does not know how DANGEROUS it is to allow herself into the GRIP of the HUMANSCUMS as PSYCHIATRISTS or MEDICAL PROFESSIONALS. Her biological mother Li Li WISHING for a better and easier life had been DRUGGED AND BRAINWASHED by the AES HUMANSCUMS into a PSYCHOPATH showing MANY PSYCHOTIC NEW BEHAVIORS!!! From these two videos, any honest person can sense the ESTRANGED RELATION BETWEEN THE BIOLOGICAL MOTHER LI LI AND HER OWN DAUGHTER ALEXANDRIA WANG. The AES HUMANSCUMS, including many cops in Precinct 109, know this family, including from their secret surveillance. However, they would once again to act as “HELPERS” to a young naïve girl Alexandria to actually CONTROL AND DESTROY HER AND HER FAMILY. The other cop, identified by NYPD as POM Thomas Christel (969584), was the fabricator and signer of the “Domestic Incident Report” riddled with vicious lies and distortion. The two-page-DIR’s photocopies, each annotated with my comment of “OFFICIAL FABRICATION AND DISTORTION”, are attached in this response. For example, an easy lie for any bystander to verify is the cop wrote down “I called” as the first words the “victim” Alexandria Wang said to him or both cops! The cops SHAMELESSLY alleged me the most seasoned person in this family as the “suspect”, and would interrupt me, avoid me, fool me, intimidate me, distort my words, and play their own wording. So, NOTHING from ME or Li Li the parents was ever put onto their “police report”, and NO COPY of such a “police report” was given to the parents! These two cops, visible in realistic videos instead of fictional movies or propaganda news, embody many of THE AMERICAN EVIL SYSTEM’S HUMANSCUMS, THE IT IS WHAT IT IS AND THEY ARE WHAT THEY ARE. Why shouldn’t Alexandria Wang RECORD and PUBLICIZE her interaction of the AES HUMANSCUMS?

From Sept. 25 to 28, 2021, at Long Island Jewish Medical Center (Tel: (718) 470-7000, Googled address: 270-05, 76th Ave, Queens, NY 11040), the young poor Alexandria was FORCED into “evaluation, exams, tests, and treatments” by the “Medical Professionals” HUMANSCUMS at the EMERGENCY DEPARTMENT, WITHOUT ANY CONSENT from the mother Li Li, or the father Limin Wang, or Alexandria herself. Li Li was accepted by the HUMANSCUM MUSTACHED COP to act as a SHAM parent on the way to LIJMC and at LIJMC, because the AES HUMANSCUMS did NOT ALLOW Li Li to stay along with Alexandria, once again with the AES’s EXCUSE OF “PRIVACY”!!! Both the parents and Alexandria Wang herself demanded to leave LIJMC for home as early as the morning of Sept. 25, 2021, i.e., the same morning when AW was taken away by ambulance. At LIJMC, Alexandria herself COULD NOT USE her cellphone or laptop she brought with, and there was NO WAY for Alexandria or Li Li to charge her cellphone there. “Medical Professionals” at LIJMC were so vicious and arrogant, when I was calling numerous times for Alexandria’s release. They had NEVER allowed my calls to reach for Alexandria, and once a woman voice was trying to IMPERSONATE “Alexandria”. When I sensed her voice was so different, she claimed her name is “Alexandria” too! And one female phone receiver there even threatened me with their so-called “security”, and that’s probably why Li Li was hitchhiking a marked ambulance driven by an LIJMC uniformed negro young male on Sept. 26, 2021 to come home and take some clothes and dry food back to stay in LIJMC for Alexandria.

On Sept. 28, 2021, our minor child Alexandria Wang was STRAPPED to a stretcher and transferred on an ambulance further away to a PSYCHIATRIC hospital named South Oaks Hospital (Tel: (631) 264-4000, googled address: 400 Sunrise Hwy, Amityville, NY 11701), WITHOUT ANY CONSENT FROM OR EVEN PRIOR KNOWLEDGE TO ANY MEMBER OF THIS FAMILY OF FOUR, AND WITHOUT COMPANY OF A PARENT, and Li Li came home distraughtly with the personal belongs of Alexandria’s. The PSYCHIATRIC HUMANSCUMS at SOH de facto jailed Alexandria Wang, while they kept luring me there to sign whatever so-called “release” document which the AES HUMANSCUMS have NEVER SHOWN to me via any digital or physical form up to this moment of I writing this tax response. Like LIJMC, SOH never discussed WHATEVER THEIR MOTHER-FUCKING MEDICAL NECESSITY AND CONTENT OF “MEDICAL SERVICES” TO ALEXANDRIA WITH ME or Li Li. The HUMANSCUMS as “medical professionals” simply term it “INVOLUNTARY TREATMENT” for THEIR INTENTIONALLY CRIMINAL HARMING AND DESTROYING OF AN OTHERWISE NORMAL YOUNG GIRL FURTHER INTO A PSYCHOPATH, A “MEDICAL HUMAN ANIMAL”, AND A TOOL TO RUIN THIS FAMILY FURTHER! THEY WERE ALSO USING THE JAILED ALEXANDRIA TO LURE ME INTO THAT STATE TERRORISM FACILITY TO FORCE THEIR SCHEME TO JAIL AND DESTROY ME SO THEIR PRIOR CRIMES ONTO ME AND MY FAMILY WOULD NEVER BE EXPOSED TO THE WHOLE WORLD ANY MORE.

On Oct. 04, 2021, the HUMANSCUMS of NYC “Administration for Children’s Services” at Queens County held a SHAM AND SHAME “virtual hearing” about the “child neglect case”. The Negro mid-aged man from ACS, named Gerardo Duran, was INTENTIONALLY FAKING A STRONG ACCENT to read out the allegations which were hardly for me the Chinese IMMIGRANT to understand. So, I demanded the presence of my daughter Alexandria Wang, and ALEXANDRIA WANG CLEARLY STATED THAT 1) IT WAS THE PSYCHIATRIC OR PSYCHOTIC MOTHER LI LI THAT OFTEN RILES ME THE FATHER LIMIN WANG, AND THUS CAUSES THE FAMILY ARGUMENTS; AND 2) ALEXANDRIA WANG WANTS TO COME HOME. However, an old woman voice immediately claimed that’s NOT what Alexandria had told them, and the other woman voice, sounding like an OLD NEGRO, claimed herself as the Supervisor of this ACS “case” but COWARDOUSLY declined to answer my question of what her name is, and “judged” there was “enough evidence” for the INFAMOUS ACS and its HUMANSCUMS to thrust my daughter Alexandria and my whole family to the so called “FAMILY” “COURT” for the so-called “RULE OF LAW.”
On October 05, 2021, Tuesday, the SHAM AND SHAME “virtual hearing” of the “child neglect case” NN-09918-21, in the matter of the minor child Alexandria Wang vs her biological parents Limin Wang and Li Li, was held “in front of” the “Family Court” “judge” “Emily Ruben”, together with a bunch of other HUMANSCUMS who would NOT dare to even say their names and affiliations CLEARLY, or SWEAR, or say any CONTENTFUL stuff in the “court”, but have INSULTED IN WRITING, me Limin Wang, as “the alleged father.” Those AES HUMANSCUMS are so PERVERT that even the male court clerk was calling my name as “Mr. Yam” or its similar soundbytes! On and since this first-ever “court” “hearing”, my daughter Alexandria Wang has NEVER SHOWN on such a “court” proceeding, despite my strong demands of AW’s appearance! The AES HUMANSCUMS pit the family members against each other under the SHAM AND SHAME “RULE OF LAW”, but the AES HUMANSCUMS pretend NOBODY OUTSIDE OF THE AES can understand the REAL HYPOCRISY AND TRUE EVIL of the U.S.A.’s “Rule of Law”. These AES murderous cowards never allow me the “defendant” father to tell the facts, and never allow me to audio record or live broadcast the BOGUS ROL “hearings”. But, for the sake of humankind, I recorded each of the all VIRTUAL “hearings” and publicized online, for any sensible human being around the globe down the history to JUDGE.

“Judge” “Emily Ruben” made her “legal decision” on that Oct. 05, 2021 “hearing”, for the American Evil System to use the ARMED STATE TERRORISTS, COPS, as the backers to “legally” rip my almost-18-yr-old daughter Alexandria Wang away from this family to a SECRET location under the name of “Children Services” and “Foster Care”, and to put up “restrains” between the parents and the child. So, Alexandria Wang, a minor female, under the AES’s TOTAL CONTROL AND ISOLATION, would be FREELY MANIPULATED, DRUGGED, AND BRAINWASHED into ANOTHER PSYCHOPATH, just like how Li Li was into. And also, the CONSEQUENCES OF A CHILD RUINED BY AES HUMANSCUMS WOULD BE FREELY FRAMED ONTO THE PARENTS, PARTICULARLY ONTO THE FATHER IN THIS FAMILY. THIS IS THE AMERICAN EVIL NORM OF THE AMERICAN EVIL SYSTEM. Later, the Queens County “Family Court” and “ACS” set up multiple bogus “hearings”, ALL VIRTUAL, and SOME SUDDEN, and AES HUMANSCUMS would act as SCAMMERS to TRICK my elder daughter Rosila Wang to talk about the family and then they DISTORTED and FRAMED as Rosila’s “testimony”. 

On the late night of Oct. 05, 2021, Tue, Alexandria was escorted by two uniformed cops from NYC precinct 109 and the masked ACS humanscum Gerardo Duran and a masked, obese, Negro woman to take Alexandria’s some personal items away. The cops, the domestic hitmen of the American Evil System, were once again attempting to murder me that night, by asking me to go to the DARK front yard which the HUMANSCUM CONSPIRATORS from the Shiau landlord side and the actual 2nd floor old Chu thug had DELIBERATELY MANIPULATED to be DARK, and then by initiating physical body contact onto me and by wanting to come inside the apartment after Alexandria Wang had been physically ushered away by the Negro woman! Gerardo Duran wanted Alexandria Wang’s passport and birth certificate. After I found these two documents and tried to give them directly to Alexandria, the bald cop took them over and handed them to Duran. It’s until at this Oct. 05, 2021 NIGHT that the AES HUMANSCUMS sent their first-ever written “allegations” ridden with MALICIOUS LIES AND DISTORTIONS to the parents. Later, many times, mostly at NIGHT, cops would come to the residence building to “serve” me (and Li Li) the “postcards” or the “court documents”, including at ~10 pm, Oct. 26, 2021, a RAINY NIGHT, a duo of white officer in white uniform and black cop in black uniform, serving the stapled printouts of “legal documents”. When I called the numbers (718) 707-2170/2171 on the left postcards, the answering office would NOT tell me what they are about and would only “INVITE” me to go to the Sheriff’s Office. As the bald cop said, “it’s NOT up to her (Alexandria Wang) now.” But the AES HUMANSCUMS have kept lying to Alexandria that she has her “FREEDOM” and claiming Alexandria, a minor or a 18-yr-old, is “FREE”, and they are her “helpers”. The AES HUMANSCUMS had attempted to CHANGE Alexandria Wang’s IDENTITY, including her “new” DOB to 04/20/2004, down their CHILDREN TRAFFICKING chain. The TWO videos I took by my cellphone were uploaded online, with their URL’s below:

While the specifics presented in this response should somehow satisfy your request about my children near or above 18-yrs-old, a LOT LOT LOT more specifics can be found from my online posts, especially the series of posts titled with “……--- My Daughter Alexandria Wang Being Seduced and Abducted by HUMANSCUMS OF THE AMERICAN EVIL SYSTEM”, and a LOT LOT LOT more specifics will be further publicized online, particularly about the “child neglect case” NN-09918-21, on Bronx High School of Science, NYC “Administration for Children’s Services”, NYC Police Department Precinct 109, Long Island Jewish Medical Center, South Oaks Hospital, Queens County “Family Court”, the “foster care” private business “SCO Family of Services”, and Molina Healthcare which keeps flooding statements of healthcare charges to Alexandria Wang at the original home address since mid-February 2022. It’s NOT the biological parents intentionally or inadvertently neglect the two daughters; it’s actually that all walks of HUMANSCUMS, PHYSICALLY OR DIGITALLY, in the American Evil System, neglect, mislead, seduce, brainwash, intoxicate, and block my children and their development, while the AES HUMANSCUMS directly and repetitively ruin me and Li Li, the parents. While both the parents and the children are DIRECTLY RENDERED “UNFORTUNATE” by the HUMANSCUMS of the AMERICAN EVIL SYSTEM, the AES HUMANSCUMS want to blame everything onto the PILLAR(S) of the UNFORNATED family, under the ridiculous name of “law” or “services” or “protection”. For example, since into “foster care”, Alexandria Wang has had SO MANY school days of either lateness or absence, and the BHSS humanscums even take AW’s attendance as a SECRET controlled by the never-responsive “guidance counselor” “Ms. Darby McHugh” and SELECTIVELY notify me via seemingly automatic means about AW’s EVERYDAY “ABSENCE” DURING THE AP EXAM WEEKS. AW’s college application and admission were COMPLETELY OUT OF MY KNOWLEDGE, except that some text-messages in early March 2022 seemingly from AW showed her “EXCITEMENT” about being accepted into “Pratt Institute” with a “scholarship of $38 K”! Some humanscums have made the “success” on my daughter because she had believed the toxic shit that it’s a top arts college and she follows her heart to arts only! It’s so PATHETIC! My elder daughter Rosila Wang’s application for the Nursing program was DENIED on April 09, 2021, near the end of her sophomore year in Stony Brook University. She had been denied in her college applications to become a neurosurgeon. That denial to my child would also FURTHER BLOCK the access of HONEST MEDICAL DIAGNOSES AND TREATMENTS OF MY INJURIES SUSTAINED FROM THE AES HUMANSCUMS’ NUMEROUS ATTEMPTED-MURDERS. Because of the OPEN involvement of the AES HUMANSCUMS with them since late Sept. 2021, my two daughters have BECOME avoiding ANY contact, even ELECTRONIC, with BOTH parents! The AES humanscums’ manipulations systematically endanger my young daughters! Due to this NN-09918-21 case almost all PERVERTLY FABRICATED by the AES HUMANSCUMS, both daughters’ academic performance was SEVERELY affected. 

My two daughters had been upbeat, normal, diligent, caring, conscientious, aspiring. The relationship between the father and the two daughters was QUITE CORDIAL, before the AES HUMANSCUMS’ “child neglect case” NN-09918-21 thrown to this family. The HUMANSCUMS of the AMERICAN EVIL SYSTEM have long wanted to mislead and mould my children into idiots, bigots, retards, and even psychos! I must do all what I can still do to BATTLE THE AES HUMANSCUMS and to SAVE MY CHILDREN.

Both of my daughters have worked and earned some wage in year 2021, genuine thanks to the government’s accessible programs. But the good can NOT match up the EVIL. Their combined total earnings from their good amounts of good efforts were still quite too little when compared to the college charges and NYC living spends, and to the wrongfully easier and higher earnings of “public servants” like cops, bureaucrats, attorneys, teachers, medical providers, clerks, etc.
In the past, the NYS Department of Taxation and Finance has CHANGED my filing dates of tax return. For example, for the 2019 tax return, I MAILED it on April 03, 2020, but later the letter from NYS DTF wrongly states the filing date as March 27, 2020! On March 27, 2020, there was supposed to be a “virtual hearing” from NYS Workers’ Compensation Bureau about my WCB case (G2029240), but the negro judge Mr. “Lucky Enobakhare” NEVER called back on me and then his “decision” CLAIMED my absence and an INSINUATED connection with COVID-19. The humanscums as “medical professionals” were also trying to frame my actual injuries onto either diseases or COVID-19. That’s how CORRUPT HUMANSCUMS COORDINATELY FABRICATE “RECORD” AGAINST THE RULED AND RUINED.

If you deny the exemptions/credits I have included/applied for in the tax return filed for year 2021, please SPECIFY the laws, rules, regulations, provisions, clauses to the SPECIFICS of my family’s tax return filing, and SPECIFY your name, official title, and business contact information in YOUR DENIAL. Your such denial then will put a TRACKABLE HISTORIC STAMP AND SIGNATURE to the AMERICAN EVIL SYSTEM’S PERVERT AND PERVASIVE DESTORY OF GENUINE FAMILY UNION AND INDIVIDUAL SURVIVAL WHILE THE RIDICULOUS LAWS ADVOCATE DISGUSTING PROSTITUTION AND LGBTY+. It’s so sick for me to hear from the lately PSYCHOTIC “wife” Li Li and the going-awry daughter Alexandria Wang insulting me as “gay”, “was raped” while I am ABSOLUTELY A STRAIGHT MAN. That letter of requesting EVIDENCE should have been sent to the HUMANSCUMS as the “foster care” “family”, because those HUMANSCUMS would absolutely fabricate claims and stuff to MAKE ALL KINDS OF PROFIT via MY CHILD Alexandria Wang de facto SEDUCED AND ABDUCTED by them. All these have happened right in the so-called “We the people” U.S.A., “Liberty” state New York, and “Liberty Statue” City of New York. The American Evil System can do little RIGHT, because it is TEEMING WITH HUMANSCUMS RULING AND RUINING HUMANS. The AES HUMANSCUMS have tortured and ruined people crazy, and they want to use their “psychiatrists” humanscums to label their victims as “mentally ill” and to use their “attorneys” humanscums as “guardians” to ruined children and ruined adults! 

Down the American Evil System; Down the AES Humanscums. A new system must emerge. Although the AES Humanscums have “scientifically” brainwashed my daughters to recently call my struggles and aspirations as “narcissism”, not the artistic phrase “American Dream”. 

Limin Wang

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