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cannot agree more
送交者: bfbx 2008月08月31日22:30:17 于 [竞技沙龙] 发送悄悄话
回  答: liv4lov: 真的对李娜非常失望liv4lov 于 2008-08-31 18:16:11
she can blew lesser opponents off the court with her powerful ground strokes.
you often she her having easy early rounds in tournaments with scores like 6:0, 6:1. but just when you get excited about the results, she plays a seasoned player
and throws in enormous amount of UEs and loses the match just as lopsidedly.

remember playing hingis 2 years ago and she had astonishing 60+ UEs.

her ground strokes are powerful, flat and early. which means she is tough to handle
for any player. but at the same time it means her game is high risky. hitting every
ball flat and early is low percentage play. when it gets into a long rally, li na
will most probably lose the point.

she will probably never break into top 10. for she doesn't seem to be a smart
player. her game plan is hitting the ball hard. when it doesn't work, hit it
harder. no top 10 players play this kind of mindless game.
  agree! - zhsh 09/05/08 (156)
  you are so right! - liv4lov 09/01/08 (161)
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