借台問一副牌如何做莊 |
送交者: fdbk 2008月11月14日10:04:42 於 [競技沙龍] 發送悄悄話 |
回 答: 步步矮: 橘子海灘行 (1)海濱老資一把 由 步步矮 於 2008-11-14 09:01:36 |
N E S W 1C / 1S / 3S / 4D / 4S W lead CK, lead CA next, S ruffed. How to continue? -1 was the result. Assume normal distributions H 4-3, S 3-2, D 4-2, C 4-4 or 5-3. What line gives best chance? any comments on the bidding? N has: S AQTx H KQJx D x C Jxxx S has: S Kxxx H Tx D AQJxxx C x |
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