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送交者: 快乐园丁 2008月11月17日14:53:16 于 [竞技沙龙] 发送悄悄话
回  答: 快乐园丁: 秋天的感怀快乐园丁 于 2008-11-17 12:53:51

This weekend, we got the information about the phase II or III clinic trial of antineoplastons(ANP) therapy for Brain Stem Glioma in Burzynski Clinic of Texas Houston and got really excited for Angela: http://www.burzynskiclinic.com/ph/clinical-trials.html. I even called them this morning and they sent us the detailed instruction on how to begin a screening to see if Angela is ok for the trial.

Then, I found out this Clinic and this ANP therapy have been in long run legal and medical controversies: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stanis%C5%82aw_Burzy%C5%84ski

It would be Angela parents decision on whether to explore this, because the trial is not free, it’s expensive and wouldn’t be covered by insurance, and it requires to stop the traditional treatment for a while before the treatment. However, if some of your online pals have time/interests/expertise to dig this dipper and speak out your impression, it might be helpful for them to make the decision. Most of the mainstream doctors are considering this Alternative Therapy as fake, but there also are many positive testimonies. In September 2004, the FDA even granted orphan drug designation for ANP A10 and AS2-1 for the treatment of brainstem glioma. Does this sounds like fake? You don’t have to take any responsibility – Angela’s parents will make the decision. They'd just like to hear more.

Some Negative comments:


Positive ones:
http://www.burzynskipatientgroup.org/stories.html (try to call some of the survivors?) http://cancertutor.com/Cancer/Antineo.html
(See book review): http://www.amazon.com/Burzynski-Breakthrough-Thomas-Elias/dp/0938530666 http://www.cancerguide.org/pleverett_story.html

I'm totally confused.
  让我们来推一下理? /无内容 - 麻衣神道 11/17/08 (211)
    推理(一) - 麻衣神道 11/17/08 (201)
      内行来了, - 快乐园丁 11/17/08 (195)
        再推一推行不? - 麻衣神道 11/17/08 (205)
          说到要害了,佩服佩服! - 快乐园丁 11/17/08 (203)
            还推? - 麻衣神道 11/17/08 (145)
              这样说来, - 快乐园丁 11/17/08 (123)
            嘿嘿, - 袈裟道人 11/17/08 (204)
              嘿嘿! - 快乐园丁 11/17/08 (146)
  嘿嘿,德州版的神奇老军医 - 南天门 11/17/08 (258)
    那没办法。 - 袈裟道人 11/17/08 (289)
      从父母的角度来说, - 快乐园丁 11/17/08 (247)
        可以理解 - 南天门 11/17/08 (204)
          很多都说不清楚。不过这个方法倒是的确有不少成功的案例, - 快乐园丁 11/17/08 (188)
            骗子当然有很多,无论以什么面目出现。 - 袈裟道人 11/17/08 (177)
        是啊。  /无内容 - 袈裟道人 11/17/08 (186)
          也有不少人推荐中医, - 快乐园丁 11/17/08 (187)
            太晚了一些。 - 袈裟道人 11/17/08 (187)
              如果要用这个方法,还非得停止放化疗一个月以后, - 快乐园丁 11/17/08 (188)
                是啊。 - 袈裟道人 11/17/08 (129)
  收多少钱? - 袈裟道人 11/17/08 (186)
    好像比较贵, - 快乐园丁 11/17/08 (224)
      那就要考虑清楚了。  /无内容 - 袈裟道人 11/17/08 (172)
        这个也不比放化疗贵多少,是吗? - 快乐园丁 11/17/08 (147)
          比放化疗好像便宜吧 - 袈裟道人 11/17/08 (139)
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